Volume 13, 2017 | International Intrigue: Plotting Espionage as Cultural Artifact
Phyllis Lassner, Northwestern University & Will May, University of Southampton
Editors' Introduction
Trial by Genre
Rebecca West and the "Radio Traitor": The 1351 Treason Act in 1945
David Glover
Spyography: Compton Mackenzie, Modernism, and the Intelligence Memoir
Mark David Kaufman
"Now you’re one of us": Postwar Surveillance in Billy Wilder's A Foreign Affair
Paula Derdiger
Intelligent Forms
Snoop-Women with Notebooks: Naomi Mitchison, Mass Observation, and the Gender of Domestic Intelligence
Megan Faragher
Intelligence and Information in the Espionage Fiction of Dennis Wheatley
Rebecah Pulsifer and Slaney Chadwick Ross
Archiving the Spy
Pearl S. Buck’s FBI File, 1938–1945
Stuart Christie
Three Layers of Ambiguity: Homosexual Spies and International Intrigue in Fascist Italy
Benedetta Carnaghi
“The Ends of a State”: James Angleton, Counterintelligence and the New Criticism
John Kimsey
Dancing with Boatmen, or the Retirement of the Spy: Espionage and Community in W. H. Auden's Poetry
Erin G. Carlston
Memory and Prophecy in the Space Between
Alex Belsey
Espionage and Exile: Fascism and Anti-Fascism in British Spy Fiction and Film
Phyllis Lassner
Reviewed by Robin Feenstra
Around 1945: Literature, Citizenship, Rights
Allan Hepburn, ed.
Reviewed by Eleni Coundouriotis
Modernism at the Microphone: Radio, Propaganda, and Literary Aesthetics during World War II
Melissa Dinsman
Reviewed by Ian Whittington
At the Mercy of Their Clothes: Modernism, the Middlebrow, and British Garment Culture
Celia Marshik
Reviewed by Sarah Cornish
Conceiving Strangeness in British First World War Writing
Claire Buck
Reviewed by Ann Rea
Mourning and Mysticism in First World War Literature and Beyond: Grappling with Ghosts
George M. Johnson
Reviewed by Marlene Briggs