The Space Between: Literature and Culture 1914-1945

Volume 11, 2015 | General Issue

Casting Doubts:  Cultural Overproduction at the National Sculpture Society Exhibition, San Francisco, 1929
Jennifer Jane Marshall
Militarizing the Messiah:  Britain's Wartime Rebranding in The Man Born to Be King
Melissa Dinsman
Modernist Aphasia:  A Scientific Basis for Neologism in Huxley's Early Fiction
Emily James
The Boxer's Pain, the Bull's Prose:  Race, American Boxing, and Hemingway's Ring Aesthetics
Jesús Costantino
Beyond Solipsism:  Narrative and Consciousness in Dorothy Richardson's Deadlock
Rebecca Nicholson-Weir
Life in the Writings of Storm Jameson:  A Biography
Elizabeth Maslen
Reviewed by Ashlie Sponenberg, University of Massachusetts-Lowell
The Real Modern:  Literary Modernism and the Crisis of Representation in Colonial Korea
Christopher Hanscom
Reviewed by Anastasia Lin, University of North Georgia
Communal Modernisms:  Teaching Twentieth-Century Literature and Culture in the Twenty-First Century Classroom
Emily M. Hinnov, Laurel Harris, and Lauren M. Rosenblum
Reviewed by Geneviève Brassard, University of Portland
Ritual and the Idea of Europe in Interwar Writing
Patrick R. Query
Reviewed by Charles Andrews, Whitworth University

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