


Cannabidiol, known as CBD is an active chemical found in all three marijuana species (c.sativa, c.indica, c.ruderalis). Our research team set out to investigate the molecular structure of CBD, along with the content found in CBD strains of marijuana and hemp. Initial research suggested the hypothesis should include variances for the frequency and potency of collected samples, in correlation to the cannabis cultivar grown.

CBD Overview

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Cannabidiol, the most used cannabinoid in medical marijuana, is a phytocannabinoid discovered dating back to 1940. Cannabidiol use cases in medical studies has been reported by various institutions as beneficial to health. The Center for Medical Cannabis Research publishes an array of peer-reviewed studies and medical journals analyzing CBD in-depth.

CBD Use Cases

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CBD is most commonly taken orally, in pill or liquid form as CBD oil is made via the marijuana or hemp plant. The variances in chemical composition are congruent with the cultivar and species of plant the oil is produced from. Alternatively, methods such as vaporization, smoking and inhaler use may be administered to medical marijuana patients who find such practices align with their health practices.

CBD Considerations

Certain CBD oils, extracts and manufactured drugs have been approved by the FDA. However, not all CBD products fall under the legal scope in some states of the U.S. Caution is advised when purchasing CBD oil online or from local sources. Legally in the United States, only CBD derived from hemp is currently allowed in all 50 states. Conversely, the CBD products made from marijuana plants containing THC may not be legal to purchase in every state of the country.

Research Conclusions

Through the course of the study, 55 registered medical marijuana patients received adequate doses of CBD oil extract. As our hypothesis predicted, the amount of CBD compound varied per cultivar and extraction technique used to make CBD. Further research will determine any correlation between potency, yield and price of the cannabidiol oil.