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XI.660 - XII.32

Many thanks to The Milton Reading Room edited by Thomas H. Luxon and copyrighted by the Trustees of Dartmouth College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at

Luxon, Thomas H., ed. The Milton Reading Room,, March, 2015.

In other part the scepter'd Haralds call [ 660 ]

To Council in the Citie Gates: anon

Grey-headed men and grave, with Warriours mixt,

Assemble, and Harangues are heard, but soon

In factious opposition, till at last

Of middle Age one rising, eminent [ 665 ]
In wise deport, spake much of Right and Wrong,
Of Justice, of Religion, Truth and Peace,
And Judgment from above:
 him old and young
Exploded, and had seiz'd with violent hands,
Had not a Cloud descending snatch'd him thence [ 670 ]
Unseen amid the throng: so violence
Proceeded, and Oppression, and Sword-Law
Through all the Plain, and refuge none was found.
Adam was all in tears, and to his guide
Lamenting turnd full sad; O what are these, [ 675 ]
Deaths Ministers, not Men, who thus deal Death
Inhumanly to men, and multiply
Ten thousandfould the sin of him who slew
His Brother; for of whom such massacher
Make they but of thir Brethren, men of men? [ 680 ]
But who was that Just Man, whom had not Heav'n
Rescu'd, had in his Righteousness bin lost?

To whom thus Michael. These are the product
Of those ill mated Marriages thou saw'st:
Where good with bad were matcht, who of themselves [ 685 ]
Abhor to joyn; and by imprudence mixt,
Produce prodigious Births of bodie or mind.
Such were these Giants, men of high renown;
For in those dayes Might onely shall be admir'd,
And Valour and Heroic Vertu call'd; [ 690 ]
To overcome in Battle, and subdue
Nations, and bring home spoils with infinite
Man-slaughter, shall be held the highest pitch
Of human Glorie, and for Glorie done
Of triumph, to be styl'd great Conquerours,
[ 695 ]
Patrons of Mankind, Gods, and Sons of Gods,
Destroyers rightlier call'd and Plagues of men.
Thus Fame shall be atchiev'd, renown on Earth,
And what most merits fame in silence hid.
But hee the seventh from thee, whom thou beheldst [ 700 ]
The onely righteous in a World perverse,

And therefore hated, therefore so beset
With Foes for daring single to be just,
And utter odious Truth, that God would come
To judge them with his Saints: Him the most High [ 705 ]
Rapt in a balmie Cloud with winged Steeds
Did, as thou sawst, receave, to walk with God
High in Salvation and the Climes of bliss,
Exempt from Death; to shew thee what reward
Awaits the good, the rest what punishment?
 [ 710 ]
Which now direct thine eyes and soon behold.

He look'd, and saw the face of things quite chang'd;
The brazen Throat of Warr had ceast to roar,
All now was turn'd to jollitie and game,
To luxurie and riot, feast and dance, [ 715 ]
Marrying or prostituting, as befell,
Rape or Adulterie, where passing faire
Allurd them; thence from Cups to civil Broiles.

At length a Reverend Sire among them came,
And of thir doings great dislike declar'd, [ 720 ]
And testifi'd against thir wayes; hee oft
Frequented thir Assemblies, whereso met,
Triumphs or Festivals, and to them preachd
Conversion and Repentance, as to Souls
In prison under Judgments imminent: [ 725 ]
But all in vain: which when he saw, he ceas'd

Contending, and remov'd his Tents farr off;
Then from the Mountain hewing Timber tall,

Began to build a Vessel of huge bulk,
Measur'd by Cubit, length, and breadth, and highth, [ 730 ]
Smeard round with Pitch, and in the side a dore
Contriv'd, and of provisions laid in large
For Man and Beast: when loe a wonder strange!
Of every Beast, and Bird, and Insect small
Came seavens, and pairs, and enterd in, as taught [ 735 ]
Thir order; last the Sire, and his three Sons
With thir four Wives; and God made fast the dore.

Meanwhile the Southwind rose, and with black wings
Wide hovering, all the Clouds together drove
From under Heav'n; the Hills to their supplie [ 740 ]
Vapour, and Exhalation dusk and moist,
Sent up amain; and now the thick'nd Skie

Like a dark Ceeling stood; down rush'd the Rain
Impetuous, and continu'd till the Earth
No more was seen; the floating Vessel swum [ 745 ]
Uplifted; and secure with beaked prow
Rode tilting o're the Waves, all dwellings else
Flood overwhelmd, and them with all thir pomp
Deep under water rould; Sea cover'd Sea,
Sea without shoar; and in thir Palaces [ 750 ]
Where luxurie late reign'd, Sea-monsters whelp'd
And stabl'd; of Mankind, so numerous late,
All left, in one small bottom swum imbark't.
How didst thou grieve then, Adam, to behold
The end of all thy Ofspring, end so sad, [ 755 ]
Depopulation; thee another Floud,
Of tears and sorrow a Floud thee also drown'd,
And sunk thee as thy Sons; till gently reard
By th' Angel, on thy feet thou stoodst at last,
Though comfortless, as when a Father mourns [ 760 ]
His Children, all in view destroyd at once;

And scarce to th' Angel utterdst thus thy plaint.

O Visions ill foreseen! better had I
Liv'd ignorant of future, so had borne
My part of evil onely, each dayes lot [ 765 ]
Anough to bear;
those now, that were dispenst
The burd'n of many Ages, on me light
At once, by my foreknowledge gaining Birth
Abortive, to torment me ere thir being,
With thought that they must be.
Let no man seek [ 770 ]
Henceforth to be foretold what shall befall
Him or his Childern, evil he may be sure,
Which neither his foreknowing can prevent,
And hee the future evil shall no less
In apprehension then in substance feel [ 775 ]
Grievous to bear:
but that care now is past,
Man is not whom to warne: those few escapt
Famin and anguish will at last consume
Wandring that watrie Desert: I had hope
When violence was ceas't, and Warr on Earth, [ 780 ]
All would have then gon well, peace would have crownd
With length of happy dayes the race of man;
But I was farr deceav'd; for now I see
Peace to corrupt no less then Warr to waste.
How comes it thus? unfould, Celestial Guide, [ 785 ]
And whether here the Race of man will end.
To whom thus Michael. Those whom last thou sawst
In triumph and luxurious wealth, are they
First seen in acts of prowess eminent
And great exploits, but of true vertu void; [ 790 ]
Who having spilt much blood, and don much waste
Subduing Nations, and achievd thereby
Fame in the World, high titles, and rich prey,

Shall change thir course to pleasure, ease, and sloth,
Surfet, and lust, till wantonness and pride [ 795 ]
Raise out of friendship hostil deeds in Peace.
The conquerd also, and enslav'd by Warr
Shall with thir freedom lost all vertu loose
And fear of God, from whom thir pietie feign'd
In sharp contest of Battel found no aide [ 800 ]
Against invaders;
 therefore coold in zeale
Thenceforth shall practice how to live secure,
Worldlie or dissolute, on what thir Lords
Shall leave them to enjoy; for th' Earth shall bear
More then anough, that temperance may be tri'd: [ 805 ]
So all shall turn degenerate, all deprav'd,
Justice and Temperance, Truth and Faith forgot;
One Man except, the onely Son of light
In a dark Age, against example good,
Against allurement, custom, and a World [ 810 ]
Offended; fearless of reproach and scorn,
Or violence, hee of wicked wayes
Shall them admonish, and before them set
The paths of righteousness, how much more safe,
And full of peace, denouncing wrauth to come [ 815 ]
On thir impenitence; and shall returne
Of them derided, but of God observd

The one just Man alive; by his command
Shall build a wondrous Ark, as thou beheldst,
To save himself and houshold from amidst
 [ 820 ]
A World devote to universal rack.
No sooner hee with them of Man and Beast
Select for life shall in the Ark be lodg'd,
And shelterd round, but all the Cataracts
Of Heav'n set open on the Earth shall powre [ 825 ]
Raine day and night, all fountains of the Deep
Broke up, shall heave the Ocean to usurp
Beyond all bounds, till inundation rise
Above the highest Hills: then shall this Mount
Of Paradise by might of Waves be moovd [ 830 ]
Out of his place, pushd by the horned floud,
With all his verdure spoil'd, and Trees adrift
Down the great River to the op'ning Gulf,
And there take root an Iland salt and bare,
The haunt of Seales and Orcs, and Sea-mews clang. [ 835 ]
To teach thee that God attributes to place
No sanctitie, if none be thither brought
By Men who there frequent, or therein dwell.
And now what further shall ensue, behold.

He lookd, and saw the Ark hull on the floud, [ 840 ]
Which now abated, for the Clouds were fled,
Drivn by a keen North- winde, that blowing drie
Wrinkl'd the face of Deluge, as decai'd;
And the cleer Sun on his wide watrie Glass
Gaz'd hot, and of the fresh Wave largely drew, [ 845 ]
As after thirst, which made thir flowing shrink
From standing lake to tripping ebbe, that stole
With soft foot towards the deep, who now had stopt
His Sluces, as the Heav'n his windows shut.
The Ark no more now flotes, but seems on ground [ 850 ]
Fast on the top of som high mountain fixt.
And now the tops of Hills as Rocks appeer;
With clamor thence the rapid Currents drive
Towards the retreating Sea thir furious tyde.
Forthwith from out the Arke a Raven flies, [ 855 ]
And after him, the surer messenger,
A Dove sent forth once and agen to spie
Green Tree or ground whereon his foot may light;
The second time returning, in his Bill
An Olive leafe he brings, pacific signe: [ 860 ]

Anon drie ground appeers, and from his Arke
The ancient Sire descends with all his Train;
Then with uplifted hands, and eyes devout,
Grateful to Heav'n, over his head beholds
A dewie Cloud, and in the Cloud a Bow [ 865 ]
Conspicuous with three listed colours gay,

Betok'ning peace from God, and Cov'nant new.
Whereat the heart of Adam erst so sad
Greatly rejoyc'd, and thus his joy broke forth.

O thou that future things canst represent [ 870 ]
As present, Heav'nly instructer, I revive
At this last sight, assur'd that Man shall live
With all the Creatures, and thir seed preserve.
Farr less I now lament for one whole World
Of wicked Sons destroyd, then I rejoyce [ 875 ]
For one Man found so perfet and so just,

That God voutsafes to raise another World
From him, and all his anger to forget.
But say, what mean those colourd streaks in Heavn,
Distended as the Brow of God appeas'd, [ 880 ]
Or serve they as a flourie verge to binde
The fluid skirts of that same watrie Cloud,
Least it again dissolve and showr the Earth?

To whom th' Archangel. Dextrously thou aim'st;
So willingly doth God remit his Ire, [ 885 ]
Though late repenting him of Man deprav'd,
Griev'd at his heart, when looking down he saw
The whole Earth fill'd with violence, and all flesh
Corrupting each thir way; yet those remoov'd,
Such grace shall one just Man find in his sight, [ 890 ]
That he relents, not to blot out mankind,
And makes a Covenant never to destroy
The Earth again by flood, nor let the Sea
Surpass his bounds, nor Rain to drown the World
With Man therein or Beast; but when he brings [ 895 ]
Over the Earth a Cloud, will therein set
His triple-colour'd Bow, whereon to look
And call to mind his Cov'nant: Day and Night,
Seed time and Harvest, Heat and hoary Frost
Shall hold thir course, till fire purge all things new, [ 900 ]
Both Heav'n and Earth, wherein the just shall dwell.

The End of the Eleventh Book.

AS one who in his journey bates at Noone,
Though bent on speed, so heer the Archangel paus'd
Betwixt the world destroy'd and world restor'd,
If Adam aught perhaps might interpose;
Then with transition sweet new Speech resumes. [ 5 ]

Thus thou hast seen one World begin and end;
And Man as from a second stock proceed.
Much thou hast yet to see, but I perceave
Thy mortal sight to faile; objects divine
Must needs impaire and wearie human sense:
[ 10 ]
Henceforth what is to com I will relate,
Thou therefore give due audience, and attend.
This second sours of Men, while yet but few;
And while the dread of judgement past remains
Fresh in thir mindes, fearing the Deitie, [ 15 ]
With some regard to what is just and right
Shall lead thir lives and multiplie apace,
Labouring the soile, and reaping plenteous crop,
Corn wine and oyle; and from the herd or flock,

Oft sacrificing Bullock, Lamb, or Kid, [ 20 ]
With large Wine-offerings pour'd, and sacred Feast,
Shal spend thir dayes in joy unblam'd, and dwell
Long time in peace by Families and Tribes
Under paternal rule; till one shall rise
Of proud ambitious heart, who not content [ 25 ]
With fair equalitie, fraternal state,

Will arrogate Dominion undeserv'd
Over his brethren, and quite dispossess
Concord and law of Nature from the Earth,
Hunting (and Men not Beasts shall be his game) [ 30 ]
With Warr and hostile snare such as refuse
Subjection to his Empire tyrannous:
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Paradise Lost    God    Heaven    John Milton    Man    Earth

Related:  Armoury of GodXII.33 - XII.314VI.1 - VI.279II.556 - II.837II.1 - II.283IX.567 - IX.833Earth's ChangingVII.197 - VII.474IX.279 - IX.566XI.381 - XI.659IV.635 - IV.923V.192 - V.467VI.280 - VI.557Servant of God, well done, well hast thou fought The better fight, who single hast maintaindVIII.379 - VIII.653I.1 - I.282serve in Heav'nI.283 - I.559Mankind createdGod's Punishment on the Serpent/SatanXI.99 - XI.380Armoury of GodII.838 - II.1055one greater ManMans First DisobedienceX.937 - XI.98IV.79 - IV.357Sin and Death go to EarthI.560 - I.799Armoury of God. This refers to the armory of God mentioned in Jeremiah 50: 25.IV.358 - IV.634IX.1 - IX.278Daughter of God and ManX.657 - X.936VIII.100 - VIII.378III.1 - III.273shee for God in himSeemd like to Heav'nAh God, that loue should breede both ioy and payne.III.555 - IV.78VI.558 - VI.834Plenipotent on EarthX.103 - X.382Mans First DisobedienceMans First DisobedienceMans First DisobedienceNot higher that Hill nor wider looking round, Whereon for different cause the Tempter set Our second Adam in the Wilderness, To shew him all Earths Kingdomes and thir Glory.Woman being subservient to manTo whom th' Archangel. Dextrously thou aim'st; So willingly doth God remit his Ire, [ 885 ] Though late repenting him of Man deprav'd, Griev'd at his heart, when looking down he saw The whole Earth fill'd with violence, and all flesh Corrupting each thir For in those dayes Might onely shall be admir'd, And Valour and Heroic Vertu call'd; [ 690 ] To overcome in Battle, and subdue Nations, and bring home spoils with infinite Man-slaughter, shall be held the highest pitch Of human Glorie, and for Glorie doneGod's ReactmentI might relate of thousands, and thir names Eternize here on Earth; but those elect Angels contented with thir fame in Heav'n [ 375 ]Heav'nGod's Punishment on the Serpent/SatanV.744 - V.907shee for God in himGod's Punishment on Adam and EveV.468 - V.743And for the Heav'ns wide Circuit, let it speak [ 100 ] The Makers high magnificence, who built So spacious, and his Line stretcht out so farr;God's curse on Satan, and his parallel to Jesus ChristHeav'nly MuseX.383 - X.656III.274 - III.554That shake Heav'ns basisI had hope When violence was ceas't, and Warr on Earth, [ 780 ] All would have then gon well, peace would have crownd With length of happy dayes the race of man; But I was farr deceav'd; for now I see Peace to corrupt no less then Warr to waste.VI.835 - VII.196II.284 - II.555IX.834 - IX.1110God or thee,Servant of God, well done, well hast thou fought The better fight, who single hast maintaindDaughter of God and Man, immortal Eve,Armoury of GodMean while The World shall burn, and from her ashes spring New Heav'n and Earth, wherein the just shall dwell [ 335 ] And after all thir tribulations long See golden days, fruitful of golden deeds, With Joy and Love triumphing, and fair Truth.heav'nly LoveIV.924 - V.191God's Punishment of Adam and EveEarth self-balanc'tIX.1111 - X.102The one just Man alive; by his command Shall build a wondrous Ark, as thou beheldst, To save himself and houshold from amidstone greater ManGodTeaching notes 27 August 2014Shall that be shut to Man, which to the Beast Is open?Heavens AzureThe one just Man alive; by his command Shall build a wondrous Ark, as thou beheldst, To save himself and houshold from amidstfor man to be aloneshee for God in himArmoury of GodThe ancient Sire descends with all his Train; Then with uplifted hands, and eyes devout, Grateful to Heav'n, over his head beholds A dewie Cloud, and in the Cloud a Bow [ 865 ] Conspicuous with three listed colours gay,Unbarr'd the gates of Light. There is a Cave Within the Mount of God, fast by his Throne, [ 5 ] Where light and darkness in perpetual round Lodge and dislodge by turns, which makes through Heav'n Grateful vicissitude, like Day and Night; Light issues fortEarthALL night the dreadless Angel unpursu'd Through Heav'ns wide Champain held his way, till Morn, Wak't by the circling Hours, with rosie handVII.475 - VIII.99To whom the Tempter guilefully repli'd. [ 655 ] Indeed? hath God then said that of the Fruit Of all these Garden Trees ye shall not eate, Yet Lords declar'd of all in Earth or Aire?God's Punishments on Satan, Parallel to Jesus Christ cont...Father of Mercie and Grace, thou didst not doome So strictly, but much more to pitie encline: No sooner did thy dear and onely Son Perceive thee purpos'd not to doom frail Man So strictly, but much more to pitie enclin'd,Armoury of GodHeav'ns awful Monarch?Satan Fleeing Earththou hadst in Heav'n th' esteem of wiseArmoury of GodAs present, Heav'nly instructer, I revive At this last sight, assur'd that Man shall live With all the Creatures, and thir seed preserve. Farr less I now lament for one whole World Of wicked Sons destroyd, then I rejoyce [ 875 ] For one Man found so perfe(if any godsgreater ManSyllabusHigh up in Heav'n, with songs to hymne his ThroneGodsMans First DisobedienceO loss of one in Heav'n to judge of wise.God's Punishment on Adam and The Circle of LifeGod's Punishmentman to till the groundparticipating God-like foodWaters under Heav'nThey ended parle, and both addresst for fight Unspeakable; for who, though with the tongue Of Angels, can relate, or to what things Liken on Earth conspicuous, that may lift Human imagination to such highth [ 300 ] Of Godlike Power: for likest Gods they sHeav'nly Museher Heav'nly forme AngelicWhy Satan left EarthGoddess-likeEarth felt the wound, and Nature from her seat Sighing through all her Works gave signs of woethe GodServant of God, well done, well hast thou foughtMans First DisobedienceHeavenGodsParadise Lostone greater ManInternal ManLet th' EarthWide hovering, all the Clouds together drove From under Heav'n; the Hills to their supplie [ 740 ] Vapour, and Exhalation dusk and moist, Sent up amain; and now the thick'nd SkieThe Miltonic TimelineRoad to EarthMans First DisobedienceThus thou hast seen one World begin and end; And Man as from a second stock proceed. Much thou hast yet to see, but I perceave Thy mortal sight to faile; objects divine Must needs impaire and wearie human sense:God's Punishment on Eve