
Wage Gap

As I mentioned in my introduction, gender inequality refers to the discriminatory treatments and perceptions of an individual based on their gender.  A place where gender inequality is particularly present, is in the work field.  Women are getting paid roughly 77 cents to the men’s dollar.  That means that women are getting paid 22 cents less than men! It is the 21st century and there isn’t equal pay yet? Why aren’t women getting paid the same amount as men yet? Because of gender inequality and discrimination.  Hilary M. Lips discusses the lack of awareness of the pay gap, the capital analytical framework, and the importance of taking a cumulative perspective on the pay gap, in “Acknowledging Discrimination as a key to the Gender Pay Gap”.  She states “analyses of U.S. census data show that, even among never married childless workers, aged 22 to 30, with the same education, men earn more than women in every job category. It doesn't make sense that women are getting paid less but are expected to pay more for products and services than men. Is there even a way to avoid it?


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