

Is there a way in which a mobile application can provide financial benefits/aid and empower those who are affected by the pink tax? By centering my project around that question, it will help guide my research and focus on the intersections of pink tax.  Some more questions that arise are, within that application, is there a way to empower women and bring community together within this application? Why are women products more expensive than male products when women are getting paid significantly less in the work field?  With all of these questions, I decided to create a mobile tool application that will help women, specifically those who are students at the University of Washington Bothell, that are progressive and liberal, find cheaper products and to build local communities within their communities. Connecting it back to Pink Tax, Pink tax refers to the extra charge on products or services women get, even though men have the same services and products it is clear that women pay more.  It is shown that women are spending $1300 more than men for similar products (Fischer 2015).  Not only are women getting paid less in the work field but are being charged more for products that men use as well.  Why is it that women products cost more when the exact replica of that product that is branded for men, cost less? After researching different social experiments and limited experimental projects, I want to bring awareness on pink tax and how it is much deeper than just spending more money on products that are specifically targeting an audience.

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