
Introducing $aVAGe

“$aVAGe” is a mobile tool to assist users who are affected by the pink tax.  Users will be directed to the best prices possible on preferred everyday products and where to find them locally.  This app intends to help those who are affected by the pink tax, save thousands of dollars yearly on products that are pointlessly gendered just for marketing purposes.  This application is not only going to help women but will also empower them as well.  With the addition of a “Join the movement and fight back pink tax” button, users will be directed to a group that is in their preferred location such as zip code, and will be linked with other users who have also joined the movement. With this addition, it is encouraged to bring communities together to collaborate on tips on items, suggestions on what works best, and more within the app. This is more than just a shopping app for women, this is movement to join women together to recognize the inequality they are facing and how to fight back! Some future additions can include equal opportunities for women to join where males are generally the one in power or who benefit. Heath Care and insurance that also provide equal service and support, and more.


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