
Features of APP

Home Screen

    When the user logs in, they are welcomed with the “home page”.  On this page, the user can see their recent notifications which can include unread messages, unchecked items on their checklist that they may still want to buy, and possible new stock updates on items that were low in stores.  Also on the sidebar is the navigation page where the rest of the features are listed.  In future iterations there can be more elements added to the home screen but as of right now these are the features included.


    Once the user goes to the “find” page of the app, they can click on the items and add then to their “checklist” if they want.  This simple and straightforward so the user can see whether or not they still want to buy that item or is keeping it there for future references.  This checklist is intended for the users to add all of the items they want to purchase or need and is easily accessible just in case they forget.  If the user already bought the product they wanted, it will disappear from their list 24 hours after they check it off to ensure the user did not forget they bought it.

Message Board

    The “message board” is there for users to post and share their items and what they found to be most useful for themselves.  Let’s say one user wants to buy the dove soap bar for men but is unsure if it holds the same texture and quality that the dove soap bar for women does so they look at the reviews of that soap from another user and can see what that review is.  Also the message board can be used to connect with over “SaVAGers” who would like a shopping buddy or to get more discounts buying in bulk and in order to do that, it’s more beneficial to have more shoppers.


    The “find element” is one of the most crucial aspects of the application.  Users will go to their find page to look up the items they intend to buy as well as their preferred location.  How this works will be the user searching up their preferred item which for example can be unscented lotion and they happen to live in Lynnwood so they will put in the zipcode for Lynnwood in the location search bar and unscented lotion for the item search bar.  Once that is listed they can see all of the unscented lotion that is being sold in Lynnwood locations.  But where does the money saving come in? Well, there will be subcategories for the women, men, and if applicable, the unisex version of that specific product.  While those are categorized, on the bottom of the product, the prices will be listed, how many ounces it is, and possibly the list of ingredients in the product.  Let’s say the user chooses Target as their preferred location and notices that the women unscented lotion is $5.49, the men unscented lotion is $4.99, and there is actually a unisex lotion that is selling for $5.29.  The user takes into account that the ounces for each product is the same then looks in the ingredients of all three lotions and realize that all hold the same ingredients and that there is no real difference in the product other than the prices.  The user then comes to the conclusion that the men unscented lotion is their best bet and puts it in their check list.  With this section, I intend for it to be low maintenance as possible so that the user can quickly go through this process in less than 5 minutes.  


    Once the user is content with their checklist, they will choose that preferred location and click “GO” and a gps will appear with the address of that store and the user can go ahead and start doing to that location.  This addition is mainly focused around the stores the user may want to go to.  In order for the user to find the product they need, a location needs to be added as well or else the app is unable to find that product without knowing which inventory to look at.  In future iterations this element of the app can be improved as well and can have more features.


    The purpose for the “mission” page is to remind the users the importance of this app and why they are using it.  It will reiterate what pink tax is and how it affects their daily lives by what they buy.  It will also talk about the hopes for this app and future impacts it can have.  Possibly incorporating some parts of the abstract into the mission so that users can read about the inspiration of the app and more.  I would also want to mention women shelters and how users can donate some items to their local shelter to help out those in need who have difficulties in accessing them. I want this app to be more than a shopping tool and instead to be a mobile movement, where women are fighting back sexism and gender inequality and $aVAGe can be a mobile platform to do so.


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