
How to avoid it

Gender inequality isn’t just part of the work space but part of daily lives as well.  Not only are women getting paid less then man then, they are being charged more on products than men, other known as pink tax.  Pink Tax “is the extra amount of money women have to pay for essentially the same products that men pay less for” (  Pink tax is very real and very unnecessary.  Is there even a way to avoid pink tax? Catherine Hamilton, author of “Pink Tax plagues consumer America with higher prices on feminine products in popular retail locations”, quotes Kristian Stefanides stating “not only are women in the country paid less than mens’, but many products geared toward women are more expensive than men’s...we can choose to purchase mens products to save money, however, we shouldn’t have too…companies should make prices of women’s product equal to men…”.  This is important to recognize because there is a huge injustice that women are facing when it comes to finances.  Although women get paid less, they are expected to pay more for everyday items?  I began brainstorming ideas for my project through this question. Are there solutions to this problem?


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