Rebooting Electronic Literature, Volume 4

Social Media Content for Michael Joyce's "Twilight, A Symphony"

The following are postings on Twitter that promoted the live traversal of Twilight, A Symphony prior to the event and thanked the participants after the event. 


The Electronic Literature Lab used their Twitter account to post promotional content regarding the traversal of Twilight, A Symphony.


YouTube Live Chat 

Because Traversals are all streamed live via YouTube, the lab takes advantage of the chat feature offered by the network to provide a forum for the audience to make comments and ask questions. The chat is then saved and added to this book as part of the Traversal archive.

Electronic Literature Lab
Hi everyone! Welcome!@

Kathleen Zoller
Hello! So excited to be here

Astrid Ensslin
Hello everyone! As always, we'd love to hear from anyone here in this live stream who remembers reading the work in its original, or was involved in its genesis in other works.

Nicholas Schiller
Hello fabulous colleagues!

Holly June
Good morning everyone!

Electronic Literature Lab
Yes, and don't let us forget to mention that the next Traversal is Cramers

Kathleen Zoller
Interesting that the keys are slightly moved around! That's neat

Kathleen Zoller
I appreciate that this is a "deep" work that examines themes of life and death. Electronic Literature can be so varied, and I love it

Kathleen Zoller
Michael Joyce, hello!!

Nicholas Schiller
Next Traversal: Thursday, March 25, 10-11:30: Kathryn Cramer, In Small & Large Pieces (1994)

Kathleen Zoller

Nicholas Schiller
10-11:30 Pacific Time

Katya Farinsky
Yay ELL Team!

Hugh Burns
"A man named Hugh...." Great to be here. I too worship Dr. Dene Grigar.

Hugh Burns
... oh, and I adore Dr. Joyce, too.

Kathleen Zoller
[red heart emoji]

Mariusz Pisarski
Good morning everyone! You are welcome to post questions here

Electronic Literature Lab
Hi everyone!

Electronic Literature Lab
Nicholas, Katya!

Electronic Literature Lab

Electronic Literature Lab

Hugh Burns
"how wrong we usually have it...." I'm with you, my brother.

Astrid Ensslin
The Bruegel painting, right?

Astrid Ensslin
Reminds me of "reverse ekphrasis"

Mariusz Pisarski
This is the link to the Cinqe Canzone by Anita Pantin:

Mariusz Pisarski
It is a beautiful "interactive opera", a series of videos about life and death dedicated to the victims of 9/11 and all 5 ekphrastics are read by Michael

Electronic Literature Lab
This work is considered Joyce's best. You can "hear" why

Kathleen Zoller
I am entranced by it. Hearing him read it out loud with his own intended rhythms is also amazing

Astrid Ensslin
Like the older (J) Joyce reading Finnegans Wake...

Electronic Literature Lab
we talked during the rehearsal about the repetition of sounds

Astrid Ensslin
yes, the assonances

I remember these fragments... Greetings from Rzeszow, Poland :))

Electronic Literature Lab
There is a line with five Ms which elongates the thought linguistically

Electronic Literature Lab
Welcome Arlakonud!

Katya Farinsky
I agree Kathleen, this traversal may be my new favorite.

Nicholas Schiller
That's what is so great about the ongoing work, so many new favorites.

Kathleen Zoller
Agreed, Nicholas!

Katya Farinsky
Agreed haha

Electronic Literature Lab
It is being released this March by Mariusz

Matthew Hannah
I love seeing the different interfaces and design choices for these texts

Nicholas Schiller
Compliments to Prof. Alonzo and the visual improvement thanks to his cinematography.

Nicholas Schiller
[red heart emoji] the scrimshaw, docking, spacefaring, seafaring metaphor

Astrid Ensslin
Did anyone mention how pioneering these different font types and multimedia features were in Storyspace (!!!) at the time?

Matthew Hannah
"We're here trying to visit places we probably shouldn't..."

Astrid Ensslin
(That was unheard of at the time!)

Electronic Literature Lab
This is what I always loved about hypertext

Electronic Literature Lab
Getting lost in the text

Kathleen Zoller
It's oddly freeing, to lose oneself in a hypertextual experience

Mariusz Pisarski
There are random links that force you out of any pre-planned path [smiling face emoji] One lexia "after" lead to 340 other spaces

Kathleen Zoller
I appreciate the randomized links. Hypertext is an opportunity to be lost, and become immersed [red heart emoji]

Electronic Literature Lab
these early hypertexts demanded strong writing. The focus for a lot of Twine stories is more on game.

Electronic Literature Lab

Kathleen Zoller
Now I'm hungry, Michael [smiling emoji]

Kathleen Zoller
I love Porpentine

Mariusz Pisarski
Yes, in 20 years we will be reading Porpentine

Kathleen Zoller

Hugh Burns
Literature, like memory, is always about trying to visit places we probably shouldn't ... "zen vehemence." Loving the navigation: we've lost a great deal.

Electronic Literature Lab
Porpentine's work of course is very literary

Electronic Literature Lab
:nods at Hugh

Astrid Ensslin
Michael, it's a historic moment for all of us.

Electronic Literature Lab
You are hearing sound in this work. Know that this is the first hypermedia work published on Storyspace software.

Astrid Ensslin
It's the soundtrack we have here in Bergen

Electronic Literature Lab
:nods at Astrid

Astrid Ensslin
:nods back

Electronic Literature Lab
wouldn't it be interesting to release a CD of all of the sounds/song of e-lit?

Astrid Ensslin
Is John here?

Kathleen Zoller
I believe he's doing the sound?

Astrid Ensslin
Especially the sounds of early e-lit, including computer-generated noises

Matthew Hannah
Have to run, but what a treat between meetings! Thanks ELL and Michael!

Astrid Ensslin
beeping, purring, humming ...

Kathleen Zoller
Bye Matthew! Thank you for coming

Mariusz Pisarski
Thank you Matthew!

Electronic Literature Lab
thank you!

Hugh Burns
"All my life I have lived with words..."

Electronic Literature Lab
lovely line and so true

Astrid Ensslin
How could anyone ever claim hypertext wasn't immersive?

Holly June
Michael's reading is also just superb.

Holly June
Thank you so much, Michael!

Hugh Burns
Thank you, Michael. Thank you, ELL.

Hugh Burns
Michael!!!!!!! Dene!!!!!!!!!! DFW!!!!!!!!!

Kathleen Zoller
Michael, your writing is always so beautiful. Thank you for sharing

Electronic Literature Lab
Do you remember????

Katya Farinsky
Thank you so much for reading your incredible work!

Electronic Literature Lab
Gorgeous writing, Katya

Electronic Literature Lab
let me introduce you

Astrid Ensslin
I have a question about your connection with Glenn Gould and his interpretation of the Goldberg Variations. Can you tell us more about this inspiration?

Katya Farinsky
Like others have expressed, I was completely enthralled with the story!

Katya Farinsky
It is a pleasure to meet you!

Electronic Literature Lab
if anyone has a question, please post them here

Astrid Ensslin
Dave Ciccoricco's article is worth a read, as Michael says

Mariusz Pisarski
This is the link to Ciccoricco's essay Michael has mentioned:

Mariusz Pisarski
Let's find Gould in the story....

Astrid Ensslin
Thanks, Michael.

Electronic Literature Lab
Are there other DTC students here today/

Electronic Literature Lab
Let me know

Kathleen Zoller
haha I am!

Electronic Literature Lab
well, you are ELL too:0

Electronic Literature Lab
[smiling face emoji]

Hugh Burns
Mariusz, Michael, Dene, ELL ... made my day. Absolutely "a narrative that renews itself ... this day." Thank you.

Kathleen Zoller
Astrid's essay:

Kathleen Zoller
Mariusz's essay:

Kathleen Zoller
Mariusz, you are breaking up

Kathleen Zoller
I think there are some connection issues

Mariusz Pisarski
Hello I am back on my mobile connection

Kathleen Zoller
Agreed Astrid. Twilight: A Symphony touches readers on a deep and emotional level. It's truly beautiful

Kathleen Zoller
Hi Mariusz!

Mariusz Pisarski

Nicholas Schiller
"Computational expressive landscape" is a brilliant way to describe the field.

Kathleen Zoller
that is exactly what it sounded like!

Hugh Burns
Exactly, Astrid, those "computational" possibilities ...

Katya Farinsky
Agreed Dene, knowing the allusions and references makes this work even more rich to someone like myself who is accessing the work for the first time now.

Hugh Burns
Gushy is good.

Electronic Literature Lab
I struggle with how to teach that in a semester length courser

Electronic Literature Lab

Electronic Literature Lab
You know I gush, Hugh.

Electronic Literature Lab
total fangirl for e-lit

Mariusz Pisarski
We are closing the question time slowly - any more questions?

Astrid Ensslin
Edward Falco would agree with that

Electronic Literature Lab
my family did too

Astrid Ensslin
(Sea Island)

Hugh Burns
... from the Air Force Academy in Colorado.

Electronic Literature Lab
yes, you and I both left Texas:)

Mariusz Pisarski
Thank you so much everyone!

Kathleen Zoller
Of course!

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