This page was created by Anonymous. The last update was by Dene Grigar.
Social Media Content for Carolyn Guyer's "Quibbling"
The following are postings on Twitter that promoted the live Traversal of Carolyn Guyer's Quibbling prior to the event and thanked the participants after the event.
YouTube Live Chat
Because Traversals are all streamed live via YouTube, the lab takes advantage of the chat feature offered by the network to provide a forum for the audience to make comments and ask questions. The chat is then saved and added to this book as part of the Traversal archive. The Traversal can be watched on YouTube here.Electronic Literature Lab
Hi folks!
Holly June
Hello everyone
Electronic Literature Lab
Glad to see everyone
Mariusz Pisarski
Hello everyone!
Electronic Literature Lab
Hi Neremey
Electronic Literature Lab
Kathleen Zoller
Hello! Thank you Carolyn Guyer, Mariusz Pisarski, Dene Grigar and ELL for putting on this lovely Traversal!
Matthew Hannah
Good afternoon everyone!
Holly June
It's a striking graphic, and its impact feels timeless.
Wide Angle Studios
[applause emoji]
Electronic Literature Lab
Electronic Literature Lab
check out the ell site for the image of the cigar box and glass
Holly June
It is very cool
Electronic Literature Lab
Isn't it?
Holly June
Thank you, Greg!
Matthew Hannah
Richard Snyder
Hello all!
Wide Angle Studios
(David here)
Matthew Hannah
Love the map visuals!
Holly June
Producing a Traversal at a distance comes with some quirks, but we keep on rolling :)
Holly June
Me too, Matthew. The story map is absolutely my favorite feature of Storyspace works. I love the way artists experimented with form and spatial relationships.
Richard Snyder
I think the quirks are useful parts of the experience!
Matthew Hannah
Lovely quote about Quibbling from the Eastgate website:
Matthew Hannah
"Despite all the compelling electronic sidewalks of links sliding and gliding us along, hypertext still requires the same thing of us,"
Matthew Hannah
"that we traverse the little leaps -- and the giant ones -- necessary to make sense of our lives, that is to make a story, to write ourselves."
Mariusz Pisarski
Insightful quote.... whose?
Matthew Hannah
"Traverse the little leaps" seems apropos of Traversals, no?
Mariusz Pisarski
Yes. This might then hint to Stuart Moulthrop as the author of this quote.
Holly June
I think it may actually be Carolyn's own quote.
Mariusz Pisarski
Absolutely possible!
Mariusz Pisarski
There was a German review of Quibbling in Dichtung Digital. It was titled "Riddling the reader". Are you riddled?
David Sabrowski
I had always heard that about walking from teachers but never knew there was a song
Holly June
Holly June
Thank you Carolyn.
Matthew Hannah
Thank you!!!
Wide Angle Studios
[applause emoji] [applause emoji] [applause emoji]
David Sabrowski
I wish I could have been on from the beginning but I enjoyed what I experienced
Holly June
The recording will be up on this YouTube channel if you'd like to catch the beginning later!
David Sabrowski
I'm curious about how this relates to the history of e-books. could this be considered an early ebook?
Electronic Literature Lab
that is a great insight
Electronic Literature Lab
she references so many influential women writers of the period
Electronic Literature Lab
David, no, because ebooks are not interactive
David Sabrowski
That makes sense
Electronic Literature Lab
Think of e-lit as PIE: participatory, interactive, and experientila
Matthew Hannah
I loved the "wave" image on the cover. It reminded me of woven cloth, which seemed a fitting metaphor for hypertext. How hard is it to craft a narrative of threads meant to be read as hypertext?
Kathleen Zoller
I'm interested in how the waves of water symbolize the interactions between human beings--- fluid, unpredictable, interconnected? It's a beautiful metaphor
Matthew Hannah
Cinematic experience is a cool narrative theory here
Holly June
That lexia about waves can be read at the link above
Mariusz Pisarski
For those who will be able to read Quibbling - there are important text segments with no links going to or out.
Mariusz Pisarski
Which really invites us to read from the map
Matthew Hannah
Which seem weirdly linked to computer games based on text, which I grew up with
David Sabrowski
The great thing about reading a story with the author is that you get to hear it the way the author intended
Holly June
Shared positive emotional experiences
Matthew Hannah
Thanks all! Wonderful way to spend a Thursday afternoon
Holly June
Thank you, Carolyn, for this beautiful work and today's wonderful performance.
David Sabrowski
thank you so much, Carolyn.
Wide Angle Studios
Thank you, Carolyn
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