Rebooting Electronic Literature, Volume 2: Documenting Pre-Web Born Digital Media

Archive of Deena Larsen's "Samplers" in ELO Repository

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Number: TBA
Title: Deena Larsen Collection
Date: 1992-2016 
Creator: Deena Larsen, 1964-
Extent: TBA Linear Feet, 607 Items
Repository: The ELO Repository 
Language: Material in English

Series in the Collection

1.    Published Works, 1992-2016
2.    Unpublished Works, 1997-2016
3.    Notebooks, 1995 and undated
4.    Miscellaneous Papers
5.    Photographs
6.    General Correspondence
7.    Personal Papers
8.    Other Author Materials
9.    Contracts & Royalty Statements (Not available online)
10.  Conference, Festival, & Event Ephemera
11.  Born Digital Literature by Other Artists
12.  Other Media

Collection Description
Three boxes of materials donated by Deena Larsen to the Electronic Literature Organization on November 11, 2018. They consist of floppy disks, CD-ROMs, personal papers, notebooks, announcement cards, conference catalogs pertaining to her works as well as other those by other electronic literature artists.

1. Published Works

Box 1 Marble Springs (1993-2012)

Born Digital Work: 5 Items                                    

Four 3.5-inch floppy disks in original packaging from Eastgate Systems, Inc. belonging to Deena Larsen’s mother, Felice, with hand-written and typed notes from Deena Larsen explaining how to access the work.

•    Marble Springs, 1st Edition. 3.5-inch floppy disk for Macintosh 6.0.7 with original label, dated 6/16/92 
•    “Marble Springs Demo.” 3.5-inch floppy disk for Macintosh 6.0.7, dated 3/10/94 in working condition; contains also Marble Springs fonts and her essay, “Hypertext / Hyperpossibilities,” dated 11/11/93 as a MS Word document, a 
•    “Marble Springs Demo.” 3.5-inch floppy disk for Macintosh 7.6, dated 3/10/94 in working condition; contains also Marble Springs fonts, her essay, “Hypertext / Hyperpossibilities,” dated 11/11/93 as a MS Word document, and a copy of HyperCard
•    “HyperCard 2.0.” 3.5-inch floppy disk for Macintosh 6.0.7 in working condition
One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. 
•    CD-ROM. The folder contains Marble Springs 1st Edition and 2nd edition.

Paper Archives:  91 items                                

Box 1 Promotional Materials               

•    Promotional Mailer – 2 copies
•    Flyer Mailer – 3 copies
•    For Immediate Release letter from Eastgate Systems, Inc. – 3 copies
•    Press Release, dated August 19, 1994 – 2 pages

Press                                            Box 1
•    Newspaper article “Artwalk is up and running upon its first anniversary” in Abilene Report-News
•    Newspaper article “Lady ‘builds’ her dream town” in Abilene Report-News
o    1 scanned copy of article
•    Newspaper article “The Uncertain Fate of Scholarly Artifacts in a Digital Age” in The Chronicle of Higher Education
•    Scanned article titled “Hypertext and Hyperpossibilites”
•    Scanned article “The changing shape of fiction” from Mixed Media – 4 pages
•    Magazine article “The pleasures of Hypertext” from the New Yorker 6/27 & 7/4, 1994
o    One scanned copy
•    Article “Fictional Whoppers: Read Them Your Way”- 3 copies total
o    2 original, 1 scanned copy
•    Abilene Report-News, September 9-10 article “Deena Larsen: A ‘hypertext’ poet”
•    Newspaper Article “History in high tech” in Historic Denver News May/June 1994

Promotions for Readings, Exhibits, and Performances                    Box 1
•    Hypertext 2004 schedule – 2 copies
•    Hammer Readings Flyer
•    Hyper_Text Flyer
•    A Weekend of Interactivity – 3 copies
•    Alliance Française Silent Auction Program
•    Soirée Française Gala Program
•    Electronic Easel Flyer – 2 copies
•    Haunted Café flyer
•    Electronic Easel Proposal – 2 pages
•    Reclamation – Women of the West promotional flyer 
•    New Exhibit at Buffalo Bill Museum & Grave
•    Grace Cultural Center promotional flyer
•    ACU Honors Program Newsletter Vol 11, No. 2
•    Anaconism Material
o    Anaconism 1996 Programming Information Card and Reference Manual
o    Deena Larsen name badge – 2 different
o    Yellow mailed program
o    Green flyer
o    Anaconism IV Program
o    Anaconism Jr. print out
o    Anaconism I participation acknowledgement February 1996

Notes                                            Box 1
•    Felice Larsen’s poem about Marble Springs
•    Techsty printed in Polish, Deena’s handwritten notes
•    Handwritten notes on yellow paper

Deena Larsen’s Correspondence with Eastgate Systems Inc. – 13 letters, 15 pages total
•    Letters from Mark Bernstein – 8 different letters
•    Letter from Deena to Mark (09/11/92) 5 pages
•    Letter from Deena to Mark – 2 pages
•    Letter from Deena to Mark – 1 page
•    Letter from Kathryn to Deena
•    Letter from Barbra Bean, Office Manager of Eastgate Systems, Inc. to Deena

Miscellaneous Correspondence - 16 letters, 23 pages
•    Thank you letter from Colin McKang
•    Letter from Denver Public Library with a general policy
•    University of Colorado at Boulder Letter from the Dean of Libraries
•    Arvada Center letter from the Gallery/Museum Director – 2 letters
•    Letter from the Executive Director at The Learning Source 
•    Letter from Associate Curator from University at Buffalo – 2 letters
•    Thank you card with a sticky note stating “Buffalo Bill Museum Exhibit”
•    Letter stapled together – 3 pages
•    Letter from Programming Chair of MileHiCon 29
•    Letter from Executive Director of Girls Incorporated of Metro Denver
•    Letter from Michael Shumate from Duke University
•    Letter with two images – 2 pages
•    Letter from the Program Assistant of Poets House
•    Handwritten letter from Jim, dated 1991
•    Letter from Stephanie Strickland – 2 pages
•    Email from Kate Pullinger – 2 pages

Call for Submissions
•    Call for Submissions Flyer – 4 copies
o    On the back of one flyer is handwritten notes from Deena
•    Call for Submissions – 2 copies
o    Typed letter asking for submissions of expanded edition of Marble Springs
o    Deadline February 28, 1997
•    Welcome to Marble Springs (1 page)
•    Call for Submissions (1 page)
o    Deadline August 16, 1996
o    For new edition

Miscellaneous Documents
•    4 pages (one page appears to be missing)
1.    Colorado Historical Society
a.    Receipt for Deposit between Deena (the donor) and the Colorado Historical Society for donating Marble Springs
2.    Print Receipt from AlphaGraphics for 200 books
3.    Pages 3-4 Detail legal issues and artistic challenges for hypertext writers (The previous page(s) appear to be missing

Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Master – Inspiration for Marble Springs
•    Book by Edgar Lee Masters

“Century Cross” (1995)                                    Box 1

Born Digital Work: 2 Items                                     

Two 3.5-inch floppy disks in original packaging for the Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext, Vol. 2 Num. 2 1995, from Eastgate Systems, Inc.; includes registration card and promotional flyer for the work with Larsen’s hand-written notes on the back of the document
•    “Century Cross.” 3.5-inch floppy disk for Macintosh 6.0.7 with original label
•    “Century Cross.” 3.5-inch floppy disk for Windows 98 with original label

Paper Archives: 2 Items                                

Promotions and other Materials                        
•    Eastgate Systems, Inc. Promotional Flyer to order Century Cross via mail
•    The Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext Vol. 2 No. 2, Winter 1995 booklet

Samplers (1997)                                        Box 1

Born Digital Work: 3 Items                        ______
•    CD-ROM in original packaging from Eastgate Systems, Inc.                 
•    One 3.5-inch floppy disk for Macintosh 7.6 containing “Century Cross,” “Firewheel” and font folder. “Firewheel” differs stylistically in this version than the published version of this story
•    CD-ROM. One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. The folder contains Samplers for PC and other files

Paper Archives: 32 Items                                 

Promotions for Readings, Exhibits and Performances
•    Letter to Deena from UCLA Hammer Museum – 02/06/2004
•    UCLA Hammer Museum Winter 2004 Calendar

•    Boulder Weekly “It was a dark and stormy day/night” Deena is interviewed about hypertext – 2 copies
•    Mile High Tech, dated 05/31/99; “Hypertext forum sets in Denver” – 2 copies of newspaper 

Color Print Outs of Quilt Pieces/ Story Logos – 10 pages
•    Final version of Samplers cover
•    Devil’s Claw
•    Locked Images (renamed later Interlocked)
•    Conversations
•    Caught Out
•    Sailing Ships
•    Century Cross
•    Mystic Knot
•    Firewheel
•    Crossed Ends

Deena Larsen’s Correspondence with Eastgate Systems, Inc.
•    Letter to Deena from Eric 06/11/98
•    Letter to Deena from Mark Bernstein 06/28/1994
•    Letter to Mark Bernstein from Deena 
•    Letter to Mark Bernstein from Deena 10/30/94
•    Letter to Deena from Diane Greco 05/22/97
•    Letter to Deena from Diane Greco 05/29/97 – 4 pages – 1 page letter and 3 pages of corrections made to samplers
•    Letter to Deena from David Kirk Balcom 11/21/94

Notebooks and Planning Documents
•    Handwritten early, rough sketch for the cover
•    Notebook with sketches and ideas from 1997
•    Scan from notebook that details the quilting structure 

Other Correspondence
•    Letter to Deena from Margie Luesebrink

Promotional Material by Eastgate Systems, Inc. - 4 items
•    1998 Promotion on Deena
•    1998 Promotion on Samplers – 2 pages
•    Scanned copy of promotional mailer of Marble Springs and Samplers
•    Promotional letter on Samplers – 3 pages

Deena Larsen’s Essay for Folio Booklet, pp. 13-15        
•    Typed Samplers introduction

•    Photo of Samplers cover inspiration

“Ferris Wheels” (1999)                                    Box 1

Born Digital Work: 1 Item                                    

•    CD-ROM. One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. A web-based hypertext narrative published in the Iowa Review Web

Paper Archives: 4 Items                                    

•    “The Web as a New Art Form,” by Michael J. Miller
•    Letter to Deena from Marjorie Luesebrink 07/25/98 – 2 pages
•    Technology Platforms for 21st Century Literature Program
o    Participant flyer – 04/07/99 - 04/09/99
o    Literature Program
o    The Brown University Multimedia Lab
•    Screenshots from “Ferris Wheels”

“Mountain Rumbles” (1999)                                Box 1

Paper Archives: 1 Item                                     

•    A piece of typed paper by the New River introducing Deena Larsen’s hypertext “Mountain Rumbles” and Adrian Miles’ cinepoem. It has an oddly placed image at the top, and a link in the right corner to It is page 1 of 2, and has 8/29/99 10:59 AM recorded in the bottom right corner.

Disappearing Rain (2000)                                    Box 1

Born Digital Work: 1 Item                                    

•    CD-ROM. One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. The folder contains all of the web files and art for the work.

Paper Archives: 4 Items                                     

•    Yahoo Mail: Messages sent between Deena Larsen and Joe Dellea, beginning on Friday, July 12th 2002. Paperclipped together.
•    Newspaper article by Joe Miller titled “It Was a Dark and Stormy Day/Night”, dated June 3, 1999. The left edge is cut into, so part of the article is missing.
•    Newspaper article by Joe Miller titled “It Was a Dark and Stormy Day/Night”, dated June 3, 1999.
•    Typewritten paper with emails sent between Katherine Hayles and Deena Larsen.
•    Piece of notebook paper with the symbol for “water” and “rain” written with permanent ink in the love language.

“Carving in Possibilities” (2001)

Born Digital Work: 1 Item                                 

•    CD-ROM. One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. A web-based work published in frAme, Volume 6.

“E: Electron” (2001)                                    Box 1

Born Digital Work: 1 Item                                    

•    CD-ROM. One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. A web-based work created with Geoffrey Gatza at the Blue Moon Review, 2001.

“The Pines at Walden Pond” (2001)                            Box 1

Born Digital Work: 1 Item                                 

•    CD-ROM. One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. A hypertext poem published originally in Cauldron and the Net, Volume 3.  

“Firefly” (2002)                                        Box 1

Born Digital Work: 1 Item                                    

•    CD-ROM. One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. It was published in 2002 in Poems That Go.

Paper Archives: 5 Items                                     

•    Email submission to Poems that Go from Larsen 
•    Email from Megan Sapnar, editor of Poems That Go, dated 09/17/2002
•    Email conversation from Poems that Go – 1 page of email and 2 pages of Firefly 08/27/2002
•    Email from Roger Rouland to Deena – 2 pages 12/06/2000
•    Email from George Simmers 07/18/2001

Peace Roses (2002)                                    Box 1

Born Digital Work: 1 Item                                    

•    CD-ROM. One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. 

“The Princess Murderer” (2003)                                Box 1

Born Digital Work: 1 Item                                     

CD-ROM. One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. It was created and self-published by Larsen and Geniwate in 2003.

Paper Archives: 1 Item                                     

•    Print out of the work; 23 pp.

“Tree Woman” (2003)                                    Box 1

Born Digital Work: 1 Item                                     

•    CD-ROM. One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. A flash work published at

“Goin’ Through the Signs,” by Larsen and Jody Zellen (2004)                    Box 1

Paper Archives: 2 Items                                     

•    Images of languages on them (3 pp.), and one small piece of paper with [Egyptian?]. All four pieces of paper are paperclipped together.
•    “page_space”: A collection of works regarding poetry. It contains works from February 28 to March 14, 2004. It was the first project of the Superbunker Machine Poetics Research Unit. The pages are paperclipped together, with an image of a girl by a chalkboard covered in [Egyptian?] text.

“I’m Simply Saying” (2004)                                Box 1

Born Digital Work: 1 Item                                 

•    CD-ROM. One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. A flash work self-published in 2004.

Paper Archives: 2 Items                                     

•    “Questions to Ponder for Link Spot Link: Deena Larsen. Typewritten paper containing links.
•    “The Princess Murderer:” 23 typewritten pages paperclipped together of strings of code.

“Shandean Ambles” (2005)                                Box 1
Born Digital Work: 1 Item                                 
•    CD-ROM. One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. It was published in 2005 in Drunken Boat.

“Datafeeds” (2008)                                    Box 1
Born Digital Work: 1 Item                                    

•    CD-ROM. One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. A short web-based story, self-published and undated.

“Hospital Survival Guide” (2008)                                Box 1

Born Digital Work: 1 Item                                 

•    CD-ROM. One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. 

Essays: 3 items                                        Box 1

Paper Archives: 3 Items                                     

•    “A Quick Buzz Around the Galaxy of Digital Poetry” by Deena Larsen: Typed series of pages paperclipped together.
•    Alpha Chi Recorder, Alumni Issue, vol. 42 NO. 3 1999: Pink booklet with short essays inside, a postage stamp on the back, and a blue sticky note.
•    Alpha Chi Recorder, Alumni Issue, vol. 42 NO. 3 1999: Pink booklet with short essays inside, and a postage stamp on the back.

2. Unpublished Works

Stone Moons (1995-1999)                                Box 1

Born Digital Work: 1 Item                                

•    3.5-inch floppy disk containing early version of the work without the node relating to the moon.

Paper Archives: 2 Items                                 

Notebooks that contain sketches of this work created in Storyspace that Larsen says “died” at Cyber Mountain when “Mark could not resurrect it.” There is an early version of the work held in the Sarah Smith Collection.
•    Memoranda: Dark green notebook with handwritten notes.
•    Stone Moons: Light green, fabric-cover notebook with handwritten notes.

“Grinning Grids” (no date    )                                Box 1

Paper Archives: 1 Item                                 

Larsen and her partner MaJe passed laminated copies of this work to medical staff at Denver hospitals and their friends as thank yous for saving Larsen’s life in 2006 and then again in 2008 after saving MaJe's life
•    Laminated Image, dated 2006 – 3 copies

Secret Writing (no date)                                    Box 1

Paper Archives: 1 Item                                 

•    Hand-written text designed in concrete poetic style; 16 pp.    

The Rose Project (Launched 2016)                                Box 1

Paper Archives: 188 Items                             

•    Rose business card
•    The Trust Workbook
o    22 pages in blue folder
•    Rose Project Card – 74 copies
•    Rose Cards 112 individual cards

“Kanjis”                                            Box 1

Born Digital Work: 1 Item                         

•    CD-ROM. One of the 16 works moved from a CD-ROM containing back up files from Deena Larsen’s hard drive. Kanjis are the Japanese lettering intended to function as interactive elements in The Rose Project

3. Notebooks:                                        Box 1

Paper Archives: 2 Items                             

•    Notebook titled in Larsen’s hand, “Poems from Japan, August 1988”
•    Notebook hand-made by Larsen and titled in her hand, “Kyoto Weekend Snatch shots, 10/09/88-10/11/88

4. Miscellaneous Papers                                Box 1

Paper Archives: 65 Items                             

Miscellaneous Notes – 12 pieces 
•    Hypertext resources
•    Bookmark with note – Melville
•    Use of Widener, Houghton and Pusey Libraries by Visiting Readers
•    Christmas Pudding by Abilene Writers (1995)
•    Storyteller of folk music - Clarsa McElhaney
•    Miracle - a complete set of instructions 
•    Collage with network modems and faces
•    Copy of badge National Aeronautics Division 
•    Miracle – A complete set of instructions 
•    Table of software and what they can be used for 
•    Team members of projects (Deena Larsen, Vicki F. Braunagel)
•    Postcard – Great hall of the Thomas Jefferson Building 

Writing Ideas, Notes, Plans – 38 pieces                            
•    The part of the cycle
•    “Hugging the ground”
•    The warm chalk roughening the country-stove
•    Weathering manois – was tree woman
•    Helen Sweetheart of the internet by Peter Zale
•    Photo of hand touching the photo
•    The language of flower poems
•    Cutout of pink bird
•    “Naming the threads of our destruction
•    A – endlessly iterative nature of communication 
•    Colorado symphony scores
•    Topiary – life carved the way we need it 
•    “Thoughts drift by through the grey cigarette smoke”
•    MTV Notes
•    Department of the interior business cards
•    I press bread into small chunks
•    Print-out of flowers.html
•    The second annual hypertext writers workshop August 1st through August 4th, 2000
•    Broken Spaces
•    Platitudes 
•    The language of flowers 
•    Fractural closures blueprint
•    Casting shadows image
•    “We pass a bridge on the hwy”
•    4 copies of Rose Corp publication (1996-1999)
•    3 photos of graffiti
•    Phone numbers of colleagues
•    Christian Exemplia phone number 
•    Nine pages of the water poems
•    The royal Melbourne hospital
•    “Sunsets and pain are impossible”
•    “The link that Jack built”
•    4 pages with information
•    Poem – “Words look for words. And finding sound, rest content
•    Tim Sullivan – Gobs o phun
•    4 pages of notes from digital storytelling conference
•    RealSlideshow Festival
•    Telumundo, Co Folder

Deena Larsen’s Papers Related to trAce                             
•    “The Women’s New Media Gallery” compiled and curated by Carolyn Guertin. Printout of sources and introduction

Deena Larsen’s Papers Related to ELO                            
•    ELO Mission Statement Booklet
•    The Electronic Literature Organization State of the Arts Symposium booklet 
•    Electronic Literature Organization Symposium Papers, 7 pp.
•    Yahoo Email excerpt detailing information about readings done at the Hammer Museum
•    Letter from Jessica Pressman to Deena Larsen acknowledging Deena’s donation to the ELO
•    Photocopy of “About the ELO,” 2 pp. 
•    Printout of the Electronic Literature Directory, 14 pp.
•    Miscellaneous Electronic Literature Organization information from the website, 5 pp.

General Press about Hypertext, other authors                        
•    “Storming the Floating World of Postmodern Hyperreality,” by Larry McCaffery
•    “A Novel Idea – Hypertext technology transforms the printed novel by turning the reading into a collaborative author,” by Liz Horton
•    Excerpt from Mile HighTech which details an upcoming Hypertext forum set in Denver, includes image of Deena Larsen
•    “Amazing Stories: Authors explore the labyrinthine options of the Internet,” by Rob Brookman; 7 pp. excerpt from magazine
•    Excerpt from magazine ad “Authors of Invention.” details amazing men and women who changed the ways writers write and readers read

5. Photographs                                    Box 2        
Digital Archives: 5 Items                             

•    Five CD-ROMs of photos relating to Larsen, her friends, and family

Paper Archives: 8 Items                             
•    Photo of desk with computer and Chair, 11/2/99                    
•    Photo of desk with computer and chair and man, 11/2/99                
•    Photo of computer in front of window, 11/2/99                    
•    Photo of Deena holding up Marble Springs with Kathleen and Louise            
•    Photo of Deena with Felice and Jane Grogan                    
•    Photo of Marble Springs exhibit                            
•    Photo of Buffalo Bills exhibit with Sherry Coulter (Thayne’s Wife)            
•    Photo of developing mentally disabled class (taught connections) in Melbourne, AUS    

6. General Correspondence                                Box 2

Paper Archives: 24 Items                             

•    Letter from Diane Greco to Deena Larsen, relating to the Kelly-Green bug, dated June 28, 1996
•    Card from Deena to Mark Bernstein referring to the Kelly-Green bug
•    Letter from Julianne Chatelain to Deena, talking about her sabbatical and what she was up to in 2001-2002
•    “An old letter to Deena” written by Julianne Chatelain, dated August 7 2000; 4 pp.; on the back of the last page are directions and miscellaneous Rose Project text
•    “A fairly new letter to Deena” written by Julianne Chatelain, 6 pp.
•    Letter from Mark Bernstein to Julianne Chatelain; Mark talks about the work “Security,” 5 pp.
•    Letter from Deena Larsen to Kathryn Kramer, detailing touring the vaults at King’s Chapel; it includes a postcard from Boston of the chapel
•    Email from Wendy Jo to “Jennie” and Deena Larsen
•    Christmas Card from Jenny (Jenny Weight/geniwate) & Oscar to Deena
•    Direct Messages back and forth between Deena Larsen and Adrian Miles
•    Email from Helen to Deena asking about swapping URLs
•    Email from Susana Pajares Tosca to Deena Larsen
•    Email from Jorge Luiz Antonio to Deena Larsen, dated December 2002
•    Letter from Stephanie (Strickland) to Deena Larsen and friends, December 2002
•    Email from Diana Slattery to Deena Larsen, dated September 2002 about various secret languages; 6 pp.
•    Email from Bill Bly to Deena Larsen, dated April 10 2002
•    Letter from Ernie Hilbert to Deena Larsen, dated September 2002
•    Christmas Greeting on piece of scrap paper (author unknown)
•    Letter from Rita Raley to Deena Larsen, dated December 4, 1991
•    Christmas Card from Jess Laccetti to Deena Larsen
•    Letter from Sigi to Deena Larsen, dated March 11, 2002
•    “The Places You Listen For,” poem by Janet Weil, dated April 5 2002
•    Letter from Marjorie C. Luesebrink to Deena Larsen and friends, dated April 19, 1999
•    Photocopy of Rich, Merri-Ann, Xander, and Ruth Higgason

7. Personal Papers                                    Box 2

Paper Archives: 11 Items                             

•    Author Bio for Deena Larsen
•    “Dear Everybody” Christmas letter by Deena Larsen, on green paper, referencing Hypertext Hotel
•    “Dear Everybody” Christmas letter by Deena Larsen, on green paper, circa 1998
•    “Dear Everybody” Christmas letter by Deena Larsen, on blue paper, referencing Marble Springs
•    “Dear Everybody” Christmas letter by Deena Larsen, on blue paper; no mention of her works
•    “Dear Everybody” Christmas draft by Deena Larsen, on white paper with corrections; no mention of her works
•     “Whatever happened to me??” letter written by Deena Larsen, on orange paper, referencing her illness; another copy is included, printed on white paper; on the back side of both is information about her “latest works,”“Shandean Ambles,” “Princess Murderer,” and those produced for page_space with Jodi Zellen
•    Registration information for a trip to Australia; 3 pp.
•    Registration for Involvement Volunteers Assoc. to go to Melbourne, AUS; undated
•    Deena Larsen’s Resume, undated––though works end at 1999
•    Letter of Recommendation from Robert Kendall for Deena Larsen, for Brown University, dated 21 November 2000

8. Other Authors                                    Box 2

Paper Archives: 32 Items                             

Julianne Chatelain 
•    Notecard with works by Julianne Chatelain

Kathryn Cramer (Cramer Materials)
•    Postcard from Kathryn Cramer to Deena Larsen with an image of “Kathryn’s Hypertext Tour Summer 1994” on the front
•    Sketches of “The Techie,” “Ted Nelson,” “Eastgate,” and “Student Volunteer” 
•    Undergrad Newsletter “The Black Mark,” written by Kathryn Cramer in 1993
•    Another Undergrad Newsletter written by Kathryn Cramer in 1993

William Dickey – do not share online
•    City College of San Francisco (Postcard)
•    Mail order bill for “In the Dreaming” by William Dickey
•    Greeting card from Leonard Sanazaro; includes images of Leonard and brief greeting
•    “Castro Street, Christmas Rain” poem, signed by Leonard Sanazaro
•    Miscellaneous sticky notes
•    Poem signed by Deena Larsen on 4/3/98 titled “The Alamo” written on a sheet of notepad paper
•    Piece of scrap paper that says “What are your intentions?” “What is the text behind the text?”
•    Letter from Brown University announcing Second Vanguard Fiction Festival with sticky note that says “To William Dickey re hyperpoems
•    Postcard from William Dickey to Deena Larsen
•    Laminated images titled “Recomplished Night,” “In Hazard,” and “Warren’s Poem” sent to Deena signed by Diane Greco
•    Letter to Deena from Ilse
•    Letter to Deena from Judy Price
•    Copy of letter from Leonardo Sanazaro to Mark Bernstein; includes information about upcoming volume of Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext
•    Letter to Deena from Leonardo Sanazaro; refers to upcoming volume of Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext
•    Christmas card from Leonardo to Deena
•    Notecard from Leonardo Sanazaro to Deena Larse
•    Flier for band “Ashkenaz” 
•    Letter from Leonardo Sanazaro to Deena Larsen; he talks about William Dickey’s electronic poems
•    Letter to Leonard Sanazaro from Deena Larsen; he refers to possibility of future contracts with Eastgate Systems, Inc.
•    Thank you letter from William Dickey to Deena Larsen for sending Dickey a copy of her thesis
•    Letter to Bill from Deena Larsen; Bill talks about his new book coming in the fall and advises for Marble Springs
•    Empty envelope from William Dickey to Denise Larsen
•    Letter from William Dickey to Deena Larsen; William talks about the three of the most advanced Hyperpoems he has created
•    Letter from Susan M. Tracz-Single to Deena Larsen; Susan breaks the news of Leonard’s passing
•    One page from a phone book containing a few names, numbers, and emails
•    Letter from Nick Montfort to Leonard Sanazaro; Nick talks about including William Dickey’s electronic work in the New Media Reader
•    Letter from Nick Montfort to Leonard Sanazaro; Nick talks about including “Accomplished Night” in the New Media Reader
•    Letter from Leonard Sanazaro to Nick Montfort; Leonard discusses the inclusion of William Dickey’s electronic poetry in the New Media Reader

William Goldman
•    Letter from William Goldman “Princess Bride Letter”

Chris Funkhouser
•    Booklet including work from Chris Funkhouser titled “Crossed Its / Across Sit”

9. Contracts and Royalty Statements                            Box 2

Paper Archives: 11 Items                             

•    Envelope sent from Eastgate Systems, Inc. to Deena Larsen (empty inside)
•    Stapled contract between Eastgate Systems, Inc. and Deena Larsen; the contract is for Intergrams, 6 pp.
•    Stapled contract for Century Cross between Eastgate Systems, Inc. and Deena Larsen, 5 pp.; signed as Denise E. Larsen
•    Copy of unsigned agreement between Eastgate Systems, Inc. and Deena Larsen for Marble Springs, 4 pp. 
•    Author-Agent Agreement between Waterside Productions, Inc.; focuses on terms and information for Waterside Productions marketing Deena’s work
•    Contract for Professional Services between New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and Deena Larsen
•    Letter from UCLA Hammer Museum to Deena Larsen about her participation in “Hypertext;” includes information about a contract (no contract is attached)
•    Receipt from Eastgate Systems, Inc.  to Deena Larsen for $0.00
•    Signed Deed of Gift to the University of Maryland from Deena Larsen; has a missing page
•    Letter from Mark Bernstein at Eastgate Systems, Inc. to Mary Jean Kindschuh (Larsen’s late partner and lawyer) regarding oversights in royalties; receipts for Marble Springs, Century Cross, Samplers royalty payments and envelopes from Eastgate Systems, Inc. are attached
•    Copy of letter from Mark Bernstein at Eastgate Systems, Inc. to Mary Jean Kindschuh (Larsen’s late partner and lawyer) in regards to oversights in royalties; official lawyer’s letter declaring oversight in payments and sealed envelopes are attached

10. Conference, Festival, and Event Ephemera                    Box 2

Paper Archives: 106 Items                         

ACM Hypertext Conference
•    Eighth ACM International Hypertext Conference
•    Hypertext 97 List of Attendees – 2 pages
Boston T1 Party
•    The Boston Party Poster – 04/25/2001
New Voices, New Visions
•    Informational flyer
STC – Rocky Mountain Chapter
•    Mapping the Information Highway Registration Form - 04/08/1994
Word Circuits
•    Writers Workshops 10/20/2000 – 3 pages
•    The Word Circuits Connection Project – 04/1999 – 2 pages
•    Postcard 14-18 April 1998
Announcement Cards, Flyers and Other Ephemera – 30 individual items
•    The Boston Cyberarts Festival card – April 21-May 6, 2001
•    Pioneering Literary and Arts Website Goes Print Release 
•    Mark Marino – Bunk Editor – Business Cards
•    Hyper_text ELO Hammer Museum Promotional Postcard
•    Printed poem – post it note “UCLA ELO w/ Marjorie”
•    The Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext, Mary-Kim Arnold mail flyer signed by Arnold
•    Penguin Books Praise for V by Stephanie Strickland
•    Book mark promotional for MIT Press book from Nick Montfort
•    Digital Preservation bookmark – 4 copies
•    Media Midway Zeitgeist gallery promo card
•    Alan Rath promo card – March 30-April 30, 2001
•    The 3rd Dimension in Prints card April 22-June 21, 2001
•    RPI iEAR Studios @ Boston Cyberarts Festival card April 27-28
•    Digital Prohibition card
•    The Zodiac of Paris card
•    No Life: Brown card
•    Internal Drive March 30-May 6, 2001
•    Aida Laleian – 3 copies
•    The Boston Party - 04/25/2001 – 4 copies
•    Boston Modern Orchestra Project 2000/2001
•    Approaching Chaos: Visions from the Quantum Frontier - 04/28/2001
•    Who is Meimei? Poster
•    E-lit and Digital Humanities at the MIT Press poster
•    Newport Beach Public Library Foundation letter to Deena 07/18/1996
•    University of Notre Dame Press – True North mailer

Buffalo Toastmasters
•    “Record of Regular Meeting of Club No. 2438 Buffalo Toastmasters: Schedule of the Buffalo Toastmasters; “Ferris Wheels”: Printed sample of the work “Ferris Wheels” by Deena Larsen (four pages); “Cinnamon Toastmasters Individual Feedback Sheet”: Handwritten feedback about Deena Larsen’s speech (3 peer reviewers in total). All these papers are stapled together
Cyber Mountain
•    Cyber Mountain Colloquium information sheet: Green piece of printed paper
•    “Electronic Literature”/ “Workshops and Events in Electronic Literature”: White piece of printed paper with two tables containing links
Digital Art and Culture (DAC) Conferences
•    DAC 2001 Schedule; DAC 2001 Agenda; Notes. All these papers are stapled together
ELO Conference
•    Electronic Literature Organization Booklet: Gray with red spine
•    Black card with neon letters “E-L-O-A-I-E"; Black booklet titled “Archive & Innovate” with neon letters “E-L-O". These are paperclipped together
•    “The Separation- Cutting Edge Poetry”: A printed program on white paper with a QR code on the front
•    “2012 Electronic Literature Organization Conference”: Small red and white flyer printed on a small, plastic card; “ELO 2012 Media”: Pages stapled together detailing the ELO conference in 2012; “2012 Electronic Literature Organization Conference”: Large red booklet containing the agenda for the ELO Conference in 2012
•    “Visionary Landscapes Participant List”: List of contact info on people participating in Visionary Landscapes from May 29th to June 1st, 2008
•    “Books Exhibited for the Electronic Literature Showcase”: Printed papers stapled together with a detailed list of the works shown at the Electronic Literature Showcase. Recorded on April 4, 2013. Covered in yellow stains
•    E-Poetry, 2001: A white flyer with a detailed schedule of the E-Poetry International Digital Poetry Festival.
Hypertext Reading
•    “Hypertext Fiction Reading”: A printed piece of paper with the event summary of “Hypertext Fiction Reading” (New Mexico 2/10/00) and a short bio on Deena Larsen. Printed on 1/27/00. is printed on the bottom left corner.
Cyberarts Festival – 4 pieces
•    Postcard – 2001 Boston Cyberarts Festival
•    Plantings – a cyber installation
•    2001 – Boston CyberArts Festival booklet
•    Boston CyberArts New Release 

NEH – Literature in Transition syllabus – created by N. Katherine Hayles – 1 piece
•    Literature in Transition: The impact of Information Technologies July 2-6        (5 pages)

Riding the Meridian – The Progressive Dinner Party – 1 piece
•    The Progressive Dinner Party – Curated by: Carolyn Guertin/Majorie Coverly Luesebrink

University of North Dakota notes – 5 pieces
•    4 pages of lecture notes – April 2010
•    8 pages of instructions for students
•    Letter to Deena and MaJE from UND Department of English
•    Itinerary for Deena Larsen
•    UND Writers conference – Panelist discussion

Eastgate Systems, Inc. – Website ( printed contents) 9 pieces
•    2 pages of Hypertext Resources
•    4 pages – Hypertext and the linarity of history
•    3 pages – Hypertext in Politics
•    3 pages – Beyond Illustration
•    4 pages – Hypertext Maps
•    4 pages – On Character
•    3 pages – Showing Links
•    2 pages – Tunneling toward structure
•    4 pages – Storyspace – A Hypertext Tool for Writers and Readers

Eastgate Systems, Inc – Promotional Material for Hypertext – 13 pieces
•    2 copies of Storyspace™ “Serious Hypertext”
•    Selected titles – Eastgate Systems, Inc. “Serious Hypertext”
•    “Serious Hypertext” pamphlet – Spring 1996
•    Mailing of New and Selected titles from Eastgate systems
•    Eastgate Systems, Inc. “Serious Hypertext” Winter 1994-95
•    2 copies of The Future of Writing from Eastgate Systems, Inc.
•    Hypertext Nonfiction poster
•    The Eastgate Quarterly 
•    Catalog of the serious Hypertext winter 1995-96
•    The Eastgate Systems, Inc. Web Squirrel
•    Eastgate News – Hypertext ‘96
•    Eastgate Systems Incorporated – Drug Policy statement: Drug Policy Joke
•    Call for submissions Poetry – 15 Oct. 1996

Hypertext Writers Workshop 1 pieces
•    2 copies – The Second Annual Hypertext Writers Workshop August 1st through August 4th, 2000

INCS – 2 pieces
•    Panel Discussions from business meeting in the Audubon Room
•    Pamphlet INCS – 7th Annual INCS conference April 10&11, 1992
Library of Congress E-Lit Exhibit
•    Schedule of Electronic Literature Showcase at the Library of Congress schedule paper print out - 04/05/2013
•    Schedule of Electronic Literature Showcase at the Library of Congress official printed schedule - 04/05/2013 – 10 copies

Machine Poetics – 1 item
•    Page_space @ machine gallery Februrary 28 – March 14, 2004 promotional card

Software Promotions – 5 items
•    The Adventures of Hyperman flyer
•    Two photos of Marc and Jocelyn Nanard 1993 ACM Hypertext Conference
•    The Brain free download print out
•    Real Networks Broadband Platforms flyer 1998
•    Trellix Version 2.0 1997-1998 flattened box

Mile HiCon
•    MileHiCon 34 Program Book
•    MileHiCon 36 Program Book
•    MileHiCon 36 participation ribbon with Deena Larsen nametag 
o    The back of the ribbon which is connected to the nametag has the weekend schedule of event
•    MileHiCon 36 Comp/Discount List – Updated 10/20/2004
o    2 pages stapled
•    Print out of Larsen’s latest work and explanation of why Larsen is in a wheelchair 
o    1 page, front and back
•    MHC2000 – MileHiCon 33 Program Book – October 26-28, 2001
•    MileHiCon 33 Particiant Ribbon 
•    MileHiCon 33 Deena Larsen Name Tag 
o    Handwritten schedule of event on the back of the nametag
•    MileHiCon 34 Program Book – October 18-20, 2002

11. Born Digital Literature                                Box 3

Works: 9 Items                             

•    Coverley, M. D. Egypt: The Book of Going Forth by Day. 1st Edition. Self-published. CD-ROM
•    Undated. Packaged in manilla envelop with typed letter from author to Larsen, dated 6/15/06
•    Electronic Literature Organization Volume One. CD-ROM. 2006. Two copies in original packaging; one in CD-ROM jewel case
•    Electronic Literature Organization Volume Two. CD-ROM. 2011. One copy in original packaging
•    Geniwate. Concatenation: Even My Elegy Disintegrates. Self-published. CD-ROM. 2003. With dedication to Deena Larsen on front cover
•    Larsen, Deena. CD-ROM, dated 4/14/2005. Contains a back-up of her hard drive consisting of many of her web-based works
•    Slattery, Diana. “Dissertation Appendix.” Self-published. CD-ROM. June 2010. Contains files related to The Glide Project
•    Sondheim, Alan. Various Works. Self-published. CD-ROM, no date
•    Tomasula, Steve. TOC. Tuscaloosa, AL: The University of Alabama Press, 2009. DVD. In original packaging

12. Other Media                                    Box 3

Digital Archives: 10 Items                             

•    ACM SIGWeb Anthology. The Association for Computing Machinery. CD-ROM. 2004.
•    Adobe PhotoShop Album SE. CD-ROM
•    Carter, Azure & Alan Sondheim. Avatar Woman. Public Eyesore Records: CD-ROM, 2014. (two copies)
•    Cecelia Condit: 1981-Present. North Dakota Museum of Art. CD-ROM. 2010. (two copies)
•    MacOS PowerBase for MacOS 7.6. CD-ROM
•    Neely, W.D., Liz Emmert, Bill Bly, and Deborah Griffin Bly. AFKA Left Field: Extra Innings. CD-ROM. 1998
•    Neely, W.D., Liz Emmert, and Bill Bly. Ballads, Bromides, and Broadsides. Self-published. CD-ROM. 2014
•    Page, Steven and Stephen Duffy. The Vanity Project. Fresh Baked Goods, Inc. CD-ROM. 2006
•    Unknown music CD-ROM


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