Edgar Allan Poe : Portrayal in the Media: an Annotated Bibliography of Edgar Alla Poe as a character

The Lighthouse at the End of the World

Marlowe, Stephen. The Lighthouse at the End of the World. New York: Plume, 1996.

This book begins when Poe disappeared for those two weeks prior to arriving in the hospital where he died.  It elaborates on what occurred in those two weeks, in a manner at times realistic and other times fantastical.  Poe’s character, Dupin, is searching for him in these lost 2 weeks.

Written in first person, Poe’s perspective.  A lot of the book is flashbacks in Poe’s life.  At certain points, the author makes footnotes advising the reader to read certain of Poe’s writing in order to better understand what is occurring in the plot.

Poe appears to be a man that knows what he is doing is not what he should be doing, but goes forth in any case.  

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