My Savage Muse
Hurwood, Bernhardt J. My Savage Muse : The Story of My Life : Edgar Allan Poe, an Imaginative Work. 1st ed. New York: Everest House, 1980.
This is the story of Edgar Allan Poe's life from beginning until two years prior to his death. The book is written in first person, Poe as narrator. The writing style is Poe's style, filled with "abject misery," "cladenstine excursion to the tomb," and "the fever that maddened my brain." It is written as if Poe was writing the story of his life fearing that he was going to die soon. It is not a diary or journal, just a look back at his life. With details. There is little dialogue.
Beginning sentence: "I am the most abject sinner in the eyes of Almighty God - an object of scorn, or horror, of detestation in the eyes of my fellow men. To read my work is to decipher my shame."
There is an epilogue, chronology, bibliography, and notes at the end of the book. The notes are more of an explanation as to why the author chose to interpret Poe's life they way he did.