The Fever Called Living
Moore, Barbara. The Fever Called Living. 1st ed. Garden City, N.Y: Doubleday, 1976.
The book starts with a Prologue of Wilmot Griswold first hearing about Poe's death and writing the infamous obituary. After that the book begins with Poe's life from April 6, 1844 when Poe had gone to New York with Virginia and then started working on the Broadway Journal. It's written in third person in Moore's style. Poe's dialogue is written to copy the style found in his written letters and contain Poe words like "deplore." The book encompases the rest of Poe's life ending with one Dr. telling another Dr. Poe's last words. The Epilogue takes up where the Prologue left off on the printing of Poe's obituary and others hearing about the death. It ends on an author's note about the people in Poe's life and the events after Poe's death.