Mother Earth and Resource Extraction: Women Defending Land and Water

Networks and Organizations

Leer la versión en español de este contenido: Redes y organizaciones. 

Critical Looks at Land from a Feminist Perspective
We are activist, enthusiastic, and energetic people, who believe in the transformation and power of thinking about life in common. We were born in different countries of the world (Ecuador, Mexico, Spain, Brazil, Uruguay) and we met in Quito 5 years ago, a place that became our space for conspiracies. We foreground Latin American and Caribbean feminism as a place of struggle, invention, creation, transformation, and thought. Our gazes weave the link between diverse bodies and lands.

Latin American Network of Women Defenders of Social and Environmental Rights
The Latin American Network of Women Defenders of Social and Environmental Rights is a women's organization that advocates for policies, projects,, and practices that contribute to the defense of the rights of our peoples and nature, human rights that are violated by extractive projects and that directly affect women.

Mesoamerican Movement against the Mining Extractive Model
Strategies for the defense of Earth and land.

We are a network of Peruvian institutions that, acting locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally, defend and promote the recognition, respect, and exercise of community and collective rights, as well as sustainable development in situations in which mining activities are intended to be carried out and / or addressing their social, environmental and cultural implications.

Mutantia is a platform with critical and constructive contributions, mostly from outside Europe. Because of the multiple crises of our times and the monotonous information in the media, it is a task to create a counterweight. Because the world does not consist only of Europe, the United States, Russia, China and the Middle East.

No to the Mine
Assembly of self-convocated neighborhoods from Esquel against the mine.

Observatory of Mining Conflicts of Latin America (OCMAL)
OCMAL systematizes information available among organizations, identifies particular needs of each organization, and proposes and executes tasks to meet those needs. It looks for sources of information so that the various organizations can use them as well as new spaces—like other initiatives or networks—that allow the work of participating organizations to strengthen and thus give them a greater profile.

Yes to Life, No to Mining
We defend life on our planet—because it is increasingly threatened. We defend solidarity—with our Earth, with human communities, and with all living creatures with whom we share the world. We defend you—the millions of people around the world who have decided to say, “Enough is enough!” We defend communities—all those, all over the world, who are fighting for their ancestral territories, fields, fisheries, pastures, wild lands, sacred lands, rivers, villages and homes. We defend those who feel responsible for the legacy we leave to future generations.

CENSAT Living Water Friends of the Earth (Colombia)
CENSAT Living Water seeks theoretical, political, methodological and technical alternatives to development and to problems related to health, work, and the environment. We advocate the construction of sustainable societies.

Constructing New Spaces (Chile)
We are a group of feminist women seeking new visions in the fields of spirituality, feminist theology, and eco-feminism. We are summoned by politics, the universe, the body, culture, and everyday life. We are part of the feminist movement and other social movements.

Coordination Collective of Socio-Environmental Actions (Bolivia)
We support the strengthening of social organizations that participate in movements in defense of environmental rights through the strengthening of leadership capacities from the perspective of political ecology and the management of socio-environmental conflicts.

Decoin (Intag Ecological Defense and Conservation) (Ecuador)
DECOIN was founded in January 1995 as a grass-roots environmental organization to find ways to conserve the unique biodiversity in the Intag area of northwestern Ecuador.

Ecological Action (Ecuador)
We are a horizontal organization, that is, there are no hierarchies and decisions are made collectively. There are no leadership positions (except administrative functions) and each member is in charge of a campaign. The issues addressed are the impacts generated by the following activities: oil, mining, shrimp, forestry and plantation, floriculture, biotechnology, bioprospecting and biopiracy.

We are a non-governmental organization that works for the defense of human rights and the environment, emphasizing ecological sustainability, the right to water, solidarity economy, gender equity and intergenerational dialogue, as part of the construction of good living.

Latin American Observatory of Environmental Conflicts (OCLA) (Chile)
OLCA is an organization that accompanies communities in socio-environmental conflict, which, in conditions of deep asymmetry, face a predatory economic model imposed on their territories.

Modevite (Mexico)
We are men and women, who are teseltales, tsotsiles, and ch'oles, from 13 municipalities in the highlands and jungle area in the state of Chiapas. We are people of faith of the Diocese of San Cristóbal de las Casas, a group in which we reflect on the social-political reality in our communities: Huixtán, Oxchuc, Ocosingo, Altamirano, Chilón, Sitalá, Yajalón, Tenejapa, Cancuc, the ejido Candelaria municipality of San Cristóbal, Palenque and Chicomuselo.

REMA Women (Mexico)
Women in our territories are victims of colonial, racist, and patriarchal violence that seeks, through violence, to appropriate our bodies and our reproductive capacity to ensure control of territories. That is why at REMA Women we organize ourselves to share information with women who have not yet had the experience of these death projects. We warn them about gender-based damages that mostly affect women and support to strengthen the organization of women in the territories for the defense of life.

Social Economic Development Association  (ADES) (El Salvador)
Santa Marta ADES is a harmonious space of coexistence and practice of values, where participatory democracy, gender equity, and generational relief are applied, and from which the conscious, organized and critical participation of the population in the defense of their rights is promoted.

Territorial Mapuche Alliance (Chile)
In its original meaning, the word MAPUCHE refers to MAPU as the spatial whole that includes the earth and its components, and CHE, the notion of a person or people in its collective dimension. We, the Mapuche are the indigenous inhabitants that have historically lived in the territories located in the center and southern regions of Chile and Argentina (Gulumapu and Puelmapu respectively).

The Defense Movement for access to Water, Land and Environmental Protection (MODATIMA) (Chile)
An organization born in 2010 in the province of Petorca, Valparaíso region, with the aim of defending the rights of peasants, workers, and inhabitants of the area, who were affected, since the nineties, due to the theft and hoarding of waters by agricultural businesses colluding with politicians.

The Peoples Resistance (Guatemala)
A similar situation, a similar resistance.

The Veracruz Assembly of Initiatives and Environmental Defense (LAVIDA) (Mexico)
LAVIDA is a plural space for citizens to gather, analysis, denunciation, and proposals against environmental devastation and in defense of our right to a healthy environment.

Training and Defense Center for Human and Indigenous Rights (Mexico)
Our objective is to contribute to the indigenous autonomies in the region and to the validity of their rights, with emphasis on the fight against environmental racism, the defense of their territories, and their common natural assets.

UK’UX B’E Maya Association (Guatemala)
We are an organization of Mayan people and communities with capacity for dialogue with different social and state actors at national and international level, creating and promoting a political current for the reconstruction of the Mayab ’Tinamit, which contributes to the strengthening of the Mayan political project.

Water for All (Mexico)
The National Coordinator for Water for All, Water for Life is an autonomous, broad and inclusive organization and collaboration process, where we bring together Indigenous peoples, social organizations, workers, community water management systems, and researchers committed to building good governance of water and land (the basins), as we have visualized in our Citizen Initiative of General Water Law.

Weaving Knowledge Collective – PDTG (Peru)
The Weaving Knowledge Collective - PDTG is an autonomous group of militant research and popular education, from which it seeks to strengthen the struggles for a new Peru in a new world.



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