Mother Earth and Resource Extraction: Women Defending Land and Water


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Rexistir [A play on the words resistance and existence]: Weaving Bodies Territories
REXISTIR reflects the sense of the historical RESISTANCE of peoples and women in the face of the capitalist and patriarchal way of life and the effects of the socio-environmental destruction it generates. A resistance that DEFENDS other dignified, fair and harmonious ways of life between humanity and nature, between genders and between peoples, with which processes of organization and defense of women's rights against violence are created. We understand that weaving from our bodies-territories in Latin America, is to RESIST the new colonization of extractivism, claiming our memories, struggles and alternatives of “buen vivir” as women, is therefore to create a new world, it is to REXISTIR.

Seeds of Change Defenders
The campaign is aimed at bringing to the forefront the work and achievements of women defenders, beyond the obstacles, violence and adverse, structural and circumstantial contexts they face as women and human rights defenders.


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