Media Ethnography, Living Archives: Collaborative class: IML423 and ANTH327

Unveiling the Rasquache Sensibility by Gerardo Pesqueira

Through bright, consistent, and paced visuals, my video explores the concept of Rasquachismo, suggesting that it is more than a visual aesthetic but rather a sensibility. Though I do not explicitly define the concept, this is true to the nature of Rasquachismo. It would be reductive to attempt to distill a singular definition of something that so wholly embraces contradiction and juxtaposition in creation. I draw on contemporary examples of Rasquachismo and figures who were prominent in its development and continuation to highlight the connection between the Chicano movement and art. Chicanos have had a long-standing history of exclusion from historical narratives, even though they have had a great impact on arts, culture, food, entertainment and more. Further, the video includes an interview with Abraham Gutierrez, a contemporary multimedia artist and student who draws on his Chicano identity to explore themes of identity and culture. I hope that my project will be an educational and intimate experience. 


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