Worldbuilding Professional PortfolioMain MenuWorldbuilding Design PortfolioFacilitatorWorldbuilders need to collaboratively work in teams, helping lead the project toward aims and create an environment for productive interactions.Research + TheoryResearch and theory are integral aspects of the worldbuilding process.Qualifying Exam PortfolioA brief guide to this portfolio project, with more focused media links.Laura Cechanowiczd3ad765e71e0e946eed450145482fb1a6196dad2
1media/vscor_002_01_X1_0318-cc-small.jpg2017-02-26T22:21:24-08:00Laura Cechanowiczd3ad765e71e0e946eed450145482fb1a6196dad21565420Laura works as a designer with spatial design, sound, interactive UI/UX, animation, film, and production.plain2017-02-28T15:40:46-08:00Laura Cechanowiczd3ad765e71e0e946eed450145482fb1a6196dad2As a worldbuilder, Laura Cechanowicz's experience in production and design are crucial to her ability to foresee a project from ideation through to completion. She has professional and personal experience both designing and producing media content, including both logistical and creative aspects of projects. Her design work can be broken down into:
12017-02-26T23:01:27-08:00Laura Cechanowiczd3ad765e71e0e946eed450145482fb1a6196dad2Production Design36This page contains or contains links to my production design work.gallery2017-02-28T16:23:46-08:00Laura Cechanowiczd3ad765e71e0e946eed450145482fb1a6196dad2