Qualifying Exam Portfolio
I would certainly appreciate any feedback, as this is my first attempt to arrange my work under the umbrella of worldbuilding. My aims were to focus on briefly explaining worldbuilding through the portfolio, while simultaneously presenting my portfolio, in order to demonstrate how my experiences, research, and professional work have qualified me as a worldbuilder. In this way, I hope that reading the descriptions also provides some idea of the processes involved in worldbuilding. I would assume that a person would not try to access everything comprehensively, but rather follow any leads that intrigue them or are particularly relevant to a project. Additionally, I linked full pieces within each section, but in the future I would make an short, edited reel for each element.
Here are the pieces I would recommend you take a look at for the review:
"Rollover," 2014
"Glass Heart," 2012
Co-Director, Co-Editor, Co-Cinematographer
Visual Score, 2013
A summary of some of my recent workshops and lecture experiences.
Game Design
Embodied Methodologies Syllabus (recently reworded to focus on transmedia)
Production Design
I recommend looking at the production design page rather than necessarily watching the trailers, although the trailers are also here for your viewing pleasure!
Caihong City, Trailer, Please also see photos
Perfect World, Excerpt, Please also see photos
An Ode to Shmendrik, 2014
Short Film Rough Cut, Stories of Perseverance
Dry City, 2015-2016
Please also have a brief look at our scalar book: Makoko 2035
Teaching Assistant, taught 7 weeks of class with other Teaching assistant, assisted in crafting final media outputs and SCALAR book, and also oversaw production and facilitated class throughout the two semesters this project ran.
Project featured at Venice Biennale
Miralab, 2014
Lead Sound Designer, please only briefly review the project. What is particularly notable is the interactivity in the sound and music, with sound responding to the number of organisms in the world, a variable controlled by the player.