Worldbuilding Professional PortfolioMain MenuWorldbuilding Design PortfolioDesignerLaura works as a designer with spatial design, sound, interactive UI/UX, animation, film, and production.Research + TheoryResearch and theory are integral aspects of the worldbuilding process.Qualifying Exam PortfolioA brief guide to this portfolio project, with more focused media links.Laura Cechanowiczd3ad765e71e0e946eed450145482fb1a6196dad2
1media/vscor_002_01_X1_0318-cc-small.jpg2017-02-26T22:28:16-08:00Laura Cechanowiczd3ad765e71e0e946eed450145482fb1a6196dad2156548Worldbuilders need to collaboratively work in teams, helping lead the project toward aims and create an environment for productive interactions.plain2017-02-27T22:46:29-08:00Laura Cechanowiczd3ad765e71e0e946eed450145482fb1a6196dad2Worldbuilders are also responsible for monitoring the progression of the project toward goals, especially since the final output of a worldbuild is not always evident at the start of the project. As such, worldbuilders benefit from skill in facilitating non-hierarchical group collaboration, playful but productive work sessions, and an overall vision for creating cohesiveness in knowledge and intention among the group of collaborators.
As a worldbuilder, my skills in this area can be seen in the following areas:
1media/vscor_002_01_X1_0318-cc-small.jpg2017-02-26T22:45:37-08:00Laura Cechanowiczd3ad765e71e0e946eed450145482fb1a6196dad2Embodied Methodologies Syllabus1An example of worldbuilding in teaching.plain2017-02-26T22:45:37-08:00Laura Cechanowiczd3ad765e71e0e946eed450145482fb1a6196dad2