Exploring the Latino Metropolis: A Brief Urban Cultural History of US Latinos



Miami, Florida: a cultural city in a state that was founded around 170 years ago, is one of the most well-known Latino/Hispanic settlements in the United States. Originally heavily concentrated with Puerto Ricans and Cubans, Miami served as not only a refuge for Cubans fleeing Fidel Castro's rule, it was also an ideal working settlement. As both the city of Miami and the state of Florida developed as time went on, the Miami, Florida started attracting Latinos from different countries. The established presence of a strong Latino community helped Florida gain influential power, including having a key role in art and an important state to consider in politics. The Cubans and the Latinos in Florida are unique compared to the other Latino and minority groups across the nation because no other group has been able to successfully assimilate structurally in such a short time while also forming and maintaining a bicultural identity. The Latinos living in the area have a strong heritage that is close to their heart, and the city of Miami to this day has not changed much on the outside and serves as a visual reminder of what their home countries looked like when they left (Garcia 4). Miami, Florida is like other states, in a way that there are specific Latino neighborhoods across the state, and that there are art movements that had stemmed from the Latinos in Florida. However, Miami, Florida is special because of the diversity in the types of Latinos that inhabit the city, and because of the power that the community has, allowing them to have a say in issues such as politics and society.


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