James Lee Dickey: An Analysis of One African-American's Leadership in Jim Crow TexasMain MenuJames Lee Dickey: An Analysis of One African American's Leadership in Jim Crow TexasIntroductionSlave No MoreFreedman after Bondage 1865 - 1955African American LeadershipContenders for the TitleJames Lee DickeyThe Leadership of James Lee DickeyLocations in Dr. James Lee Dickey's StoryGoogle locations for Dr. Dickey's BiographyMaureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3b
In Pursuit of Medicine
1media/Tennessee College (Meharry parent).jpg2018-02-08T04:29:04-08:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3b197018James Dickey Goes to Medical School 1917 - 1921image_header2018-02-17T02:26:18-08:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3bDr. Hunter had graduated from Central Tennessee College Medical Department which was another example of an hbcu established with the assistance of the Methodist church to help educate freed slaves and their descendants. In 1915, Meharry was chartered as a separate medical school creating the first medical school for African Americans in the South. James Lee Dickey began his post graduate studies here in the fall of 1917. He pledged a new fraternity on campus, Kappa Alpha Psi, whose motto, “Achievement in Every Field of Human Endeavor” paralleled James’ ambitions. His association with the Greek organization was lifelong as was evident when Mr. M. J. Anderson of Kappa Alpha Psi spoke at Dickey’s funeral forty-one years later while other fraternity members acted as pallbearers. During his time at Meharry Medical School, young James also met the love of his life, Magnolia Fowler, an education student at Fisk University, another hbcu located in Nashville. The couple planned to marry upon James’ graduation in May of 1921 and begin their married lives in the North since the demand for colored physicians had skyrocketed since the Great Migration.
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1media/USA_infantry_Verdun_African_American_WWI.jpg2018-02-03T19:35:13-08:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3bWar IntervenesMaureen Gray7Private James Lee Dickeyimage_header2018-02-17T02:25:15-08:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3b
12018-03-04T23:08:02-08:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3bAn Analysis of One Leader in a Leaderless TimeMaureen Gray4vistoc2018-03-05T00:50:58-08:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3b
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1media/MEDICAL SCHOOL DIPLOMA.jpg2018-02-09T02:59:46-08:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3bGraduation!2Dr. James Lee Dickeyimage_header2018-02-17T02:27:41-08:00Maureen Grayab288c53aefb942d3e6102c32f4d6e3a10268d3b
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12018-02-08T04:27:23-08:00Kappa Alpha Psi1African American fraternity est. 1911media/Kappa Alpha Psi-psd.pngplain2018-02-08T04:27:23-08:00