Housing Inequality in America

Immigrant Housing (Conclusion)

The findings in this path indicate that immigrants are still faced with serious housing discrimination in the United States. The study also shows that such housing discrimination is attributable to many factors including race/ethnicity, religious, education, socioeconomic and immigration status. This poses a big question to the status of America as a free land. It also undermines the idea of the American dream that many immigrants envisage before leaving their home countries. The immigrant advocacy group Make the Road NJ recommend some practical solutions to immigrant housing crisis. These include enforcement of rent control laws to address issues on poor housing conditions. This will also enable equal access to governmental housing funds to assist low-income tenants. Furthermore, immigrants should be granted access to pro bono counsel on any housing issues experienced by tenants. Also, immigrants make up a larger population in the United States. Hence, there is the need to address housing inequality among immigrants to support their education and economic achievement.

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