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Main Menu Overview by Sujata Iyengar and Nathalie Vienne-Guerrin 'Henry V' : A Guide to Early Printed Editions by Daniel Yabut “with rough and all-unable pen…” : Source Study and Historiography in Shakespeare’s 'Henry V' by Mikaela LaFave Pistol and Monsieur Le Fer: An Anglo-French Encounter by Charlène Cruxent Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, IRCL, UMR5186 CNRS Making & Unmaking National Identity: Race & Ethnicity in Shakespeare’s 'Henry V' by Nora Galland 'Henry V' Onstage: From the Falklands War to Brexit (1986-2018) by Janice Valls-Russell The Problematic Reception of 'Henry V' in France: A Case Study by Florence March “For ’tis your thoughts that now must deck our kings”: Henry’s Popular Afterlives by Philip Gilreath “On your imaginary forces work”: How 'Henry V'’s Chorus Changes the Play Text during Olivier’s Film by Julia Koslowsky A Guide to Teaching 'Henry V' and its Sources by Hayden Benson Study Questions Key Scenes and Speeches from 'Henry V' Back MatterMichael Drayton - The Ballad of Agincourt
1 2019-05-03T16:19:34-07:00 Mikaela LaFave 6b1e7bce44da9f7dd41ed238b99ed06b99943750 29603 5 Michael Drayton’s “The Ballad of Agincourt” meta 2019-06-29T18:18:08-07:00 YouTube 2014-10-03T19:00:15.000Z n6bOVEQkk1E David Shaw-Parker - Topic English David Shaw-Parker Recording David Shaw-Parker NA Hayden Benson 7d69b3398da384eb9196529b557c5a84032c3d8cMedia
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was attributed to | prov:wasAttributedTo | |
created | dcterms:created | 2019-05-03T16:19:34-07:00 |
Version 5
resource | rdf:resource | |
versionnumber | ov:versionnumber | 5 |
title | dcterms:title | Michael Drayton - The Ballad of Agincourt |
description | dcterms:description | Michael Drayton’s “The Ballad of Agincourt” |
url | art:url | |
default view | scalar:defaultView | meta |
was attributed to | prov:wasAttributedTo | |
created | dcterms:created | 2019-06-29T18:18:08-07:00 |
type | rdf:type | |
source | dcterms:source | YouTube |
source location | art:sourceLocation | |
date | dcterms:date | 2014-10-03T19:00:15.000Z |
identifier | dcterms:identifier | n6bOVEQkk1E |
contributor | dcterms:contributor | David Shaw-Parker - Topic |
language | dcterms:language | English |
rights | dcterms:rights | David Shaw-Parker |
format | dcterms:format | Recording |
creator | dcterms:creator | David Shaw-Parker |
education level | dcterms:educationLevel | NA |
Version 4
resource | rdf:resource | |
versionnumber | ov:versionnumber | 4 |
title | dcterms:title | Michael Drayton - The Ballad of Agincourt |
description | dcterms:description | Michael Drayton’s “The Ballad of Agincourt” |
url | art:url | |
default view | scalar:defaultView | plain |
was attributed to | prov:wasAttributedTo | |
created | dcterms:created | 2019-06-15T13:31:06-07:00 |
type | rdf:type | |
source | dcterms:source | YouTube |
source location | art:sourceLocation | |
date | dcterms:date | 2014-10-03T19:00:15.000Z |
identifier | dcterms:identifier | n6bOVEQkk1E |
contributor | dcterms:contributor | David Shaw-Parker - Topic |
language | dcterms:language | English |
rights | dcterms:rights | David Shaw-Parker |
format | dcterms:format | Recording |
creator | dcterms:creator | David Shaw-Parker |
education level | dcterms:educationLevel | NA |
Version 3
resource | rdf:resource | |
versionnumber | ov:versionnumber | 3 |
title | dcterms:title | Michael Drayton - The Ballad of Agincourt |
description | dcterms:description | Michael Drayton's "The Ballad of Agincourt" |
url | art:url | |
default view | scalar:defaultView | plain |
was attributed to | prov:wasAttributedTo | |
created | dcterms:created | 2019-05-31T14:10:16-07:00 |
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source | dcterms:source | YouTube |
source location | art:sourceLocation | |
date | dcterms:date | 2014-10-03T19:00:15.000Z |
identifier | dcterms:identifier | n6bOVEQkk1E |
contributor | dcterms:contributor | David Shaw-Parker - Topic |
language | dcterms:language | English |
rights | dcterms:rights | David Shaw-Parker |
format | dcterms:format | Recording |
creator | dcterms:creator | David Shaw-Parker |
education level | dcterms:educationLevel | NA |
Version 2
resource | rdf:resource | |
versionnumber | ov:versionnumber | 2 |
title | dcterms:title | Michael Drayton - The Ballad of Agincourt |
description | dcterms:description | Transcript URL |
url | art:url | |
default view | scalar:defaultView | plain |
was attributed to | prov:wasAttributedTo | |
created | dcterms:created | 2019-05-29T17:10:12-07:00 |
type | rdf:type | |
source | dcterms:source | YouTube |
source location | art:sourceLocation | |
date | dcterms:date | 2014-10-03T19:00:15.000Z |
identifier | dcterms:identifier | n6bOVEQkk1E |
contributor | dcterms:contributor | David Shaw-Parker - Topic |
language | dcterms:language | English |
rights | dcterms:rights | David Shaw-Parker |
format | dcterms:format | Recording |
creator | dcterms:creator | David Shaw-Parker |
education level | dcterms:educationLevel | NA |
Version 1
resource | rdf:resource | |
versionnumber | ov:versionnumber | 1 |
title | dcterms:title | Michael Drayton - The Ballad of Agincourt |
description | dcterms:description | Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises Michael Drayton - The Ballad of Agincourt · Ghizela Rowe · David Shaw-Parker The Abbey Poets ℗ 2013 ... |
url | art:url | |
default view | scalar:defaultView | plain |
was attributed to | prov:wasAttributedTo | |
created | dcterms:created | 2019-05-03T16:19:34-07:00 |
type | rdf:type | |
source | dcterms:source | YouTube |
source location | art:sourceLocation | |
date | dcterms:date | 2014-10-03T19:00:15.000Z |
identifier | dcterms:identifier | n6bOVEQkk1E |
contributor | dcterms:contributor | David Shaw-Parker - Topic |
language | dcterms:language | English |
rights | dcterms:rights | David Shaw-Parker |
format | dcterms:format | Recording |
creator | dcterms:creator | David Shaw-Parker |
education level | dcterms:educationLevel | NA |