Scalar 2 User's Guide

Styling Tab

The dashboard's Styling tab allows you to choose settings that affect the overal look and feel of your Scalar book.

Reader Interface. Enables you to select between two reader interface designs for your book, Scalar 1 and Scalar 2. Enable the display of navigation buttons in margins.

Thumbnail image. The thumbnail that will appear next to your book's title on the Scalar Index page. Upload an image using the "Choose File" button.

Background image. To change your book's background, you must first import the image you want to use into Scalar; then it can be selected in the drop-down menu here.

Custom style. This field accepts CSS code, which will be applied across the whole book, superseded only by that set for an individual page. Learn more about custom CSS.

Custom Javascript. Custom Javascript entered here will be applied across the whole book, superseded only by that set for an individual page. If you want to track your book's traffic, Google Analytics code can be pasted here, using this format (and replacing GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID with your own id):

$.getScript("", function() {
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
  gtag('js', new Date());
  gtag('config', 'GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID');

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