Granny's Box : The Story of Mollie Franklin Hensley (by Sandy Laws)

Mountain Mist Batting Wrapper

A marketing campaign in 1928, by the Stearns & Foster Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, featured a new design for Mountain Mist quilt batting wrappers.  The outside of the wrapper was colorfully and beautifully designed with various quilt blocks patterns, as well as the description of the batting, or quilting cotton.  Advertised on the front was a note stating that a complete quilt pattern was printed on the inside of the wrapper.  Stearns and Foster also sponsored quilt exhibits.  This campaign was not only successful in creating a demand for the Mountain Mist brand quilt batting, but also in promoting the revival of quilt making in the 1930s.

Granny’s box contains a Mountain Mist quilt batting wrapper dated June 1, 1934.  

This particular wrapper features a pattern for butterflies and bunnies.

A similar tracing of the curved feather pattern featured on the back is also found on a piece of paper in the box. 

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