De Gaulle to Brooke: 5/4/1942
Prior to the correspondence to Sir Alan F. Brooke from Charles de Gaulle, the French gained ground in Equatorial Africa by French General Jacques-Philippe Leclerc. He conducted a successful troop movement from Chad to Tripoli in which resulted in the capturing of Italian command posts. The movement was organized as a means for the Free French troops to join with the British 8th Army in Fezzan. General Sir Claude Auchinleck worked with General Leclerc to oversee a raid through Fezzan. The close relation between General de Gaulle and General Leclerc meant de Gaulle paid attention to the raid and was pleased with the military cooperation between the French and British Armies. De Gaulle wrote to Sir Brooke in a cordial tone of appreciation of the collaboration between British and French troops regarding the raid in Fezzan.
Post correspondence, French armies gained control over the state of Libya, which included Fezzan, from the British. The tone of appreciation was short-lived as the French conquests in Fezzan set the British on edge and eventually agitated the relationship between British and French forces.
Letter Summary
De Gaulle wrote to Brooke his sincere admiration for General Auchinleck's evaluation of the work conducted by General Leclerc in Fezzan. He was pleased that the French troops could aid missions commanded by General Auchinleck and extends the usefulness of the French military to the British Armies whenever necessary.
“Alan Francis Brooke.” Encyclopeida of World Biography. 2016.
“Alan Francis Brooke, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 2016.
“Claude Auchinleck.” National Army Museum. 2016.
“Chronologie, Ordre De La Libération - Musée De l'Ordre De La Libération.” Chronologie, Ordre De La Libération - Musée De l'Ordre De La Libération, Musee Del'Order De La Liberation. 1 Nov 2016.
“Jacque-Philippe Leclerc.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 2016.
Jennings, Eric. “French Africa in World Warr II.” pg. 132. Cambridge University Press. 2016.
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