Exploding Tongues: Language, Art, and the Russian Avant-garde

Utopians, Prospectus!

The contribution of the Russian Avant-garde to the history of international Modernism has, since the death of Stalin, been acknowledged in scholarly literature, though largely on terms established outside the tradition. Monographs, studies and exhibits have traced external influences from French Cubism, Italian Futurism and American industrialism, as well as residual fumes from national variants of symbolism and neo-primitivism. Defined in this manner, the Russian Avant-garde represents a broad artistic response to cultural modernity, as well as new scientific discoveries and inventions such as cinema, radio and x-rays, Einstein’s general theory of relativity, non-Euclidean geometry, and musings on the 4th dimension. Its historical frame, straddling the Russian Revolutions of 1917, point to unique national qualities associated with Marxism, politicized class struggle, and provocative expressions of violence.

As Russian and Soviet contributions have been increasingly recognized on the global stage, their distinctive qualities have emerged as more than just localized inflections of a broader, seemingly inevitable trend toward visual abstraction as a defining feature of 20th-Century modernist culture. With attention shifting from the “isms” trumpeted in artistic manifesti to the social networks of cultural figures, more nuanced questions have arisen in recent years about the nature of participatory collaboration as opposed to contact and influence, and the multiple modalities, materials, and processes involved in communication and expression.

An area of particular interest for understanding the often chaotic proliferation of artistic forms is the “artist book,” a small-scale but particularly potent force for change in aesthetic phenomena. While early scholarly discourse followed largely along disciplinary lines, tracing literary and artistic developments independently, new research is revealing the importance of this synthetic medium both for bringing artists, theorists and writers together, and for blending affordances of meaning in ambiguous and productively unstable ways. This curriculum-based collaborative research project, “Exploding Tongues,” is positioned thematically to mine a rich trove of digitized archival materials and artifacts in the Getty Research Institute generously made available online, and showcased in a newly-published book Explodity: Sound Image and Word in Russian Futurist Book Art (2016), by GRI curator Nancy Perloff, and a companion interactive website with accessible translations, transliterations (from Cyrillic to Latin characters), and sound-recordings of readings.

CSLC 134 / RUSN 334 “Exploding Tongues,” a combined English-language and Russian-language course, adopts a time-backwards approach suggested by the two seminal works that serve as case studies in Perloff’s study: Vzorval’ (Explodity) and MirsKONtsa (Worldbackwards).  Just as physicists study the “Big Bang” at the inception of our known universe through minute particle formation in the first nanosecond instances of conceivable time, we inspect the foundational matter of literary and visual phenomena letter by letter, line by line, and shape by shape in a few artifacts and documents of a very brief moment in history from Fall of 1912, through the Summer of 1913, and then extrapolate to a cultural explosion that resounded through the 1930s and around the world.  

To test our working hypothesis, our course has teamed up with a concurrent class at Occidental College, ARTS 227 “Introduction to Letterpress Printing.” Students will be working collaboratively to author, design and create contributions of their own to an artist book miscellany. By means of artistic production in an analogous task to that facing their Russian counterparts a century before, students will learn first hand the underlying principles of an emerging “language” of hybrid image, text and sound: the “verbicovisual” phenomena treated in Perloff’s Explodity

This path is an introduction by students of CSLC 134/RUSN334 to some of the many fascinating themes, patterns and language artifacts emanating from the early years of the Russian Avant-garde.

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