1991 Diocesan Convention, November 1-2, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Munster
This page references:
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, new priests
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, Rev. Stephen Gerth of Trinity, Michigan City
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, dinner entertainment
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, Howe Military School display
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, Verna Dozier, convention speaker
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, Canon David Seger, left
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, possibly Rev. Harold Comer
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, unidentified at displays
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, musical entertainment 1
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, unidentified
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, Canon David Seger
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, musical entertainment 2
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, Bishop Francis Gray speaking
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, display
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, Bishop Francis Gray with Bishop Zebedee Masereka of Africa
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, displays and unidentified
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, Bishop Zebedee Masereka of South Rwenzori
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, display and unidentified
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, unidentified 2
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, session meeting
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, Archdeacon Sarah Tracy greeting Verna Dozier
- 1991 Diocesan Convention, Munster, display and unidentified 2