Educational Psychology: An Application in Art History: A Museum Day Camp for Children Ages 10-12

Student Demographics & Background Information


    This program would be appropriate for children ages 10 to 12, or roughly 4th to 6th grade.  Children for this program would be recruited from local elementary/middle schools through advertisement at the school, through teachers and parents, in the community, and at the museum itself. It would be ideal to host this day program right as the schools let out for summer break so students can attend during the day and parents can be notified by teachers. In this case, those who attend would be coming from different classes and schools, hopefully providing opportunities to interact with new friends. However, the program could be adapted to a during-the-year design for whole classes to attend.

     If at all possible, this program would be offered at minimum to no cost and/or the museum could provide grants for students to attend. 


Grouping for Activities  

   Throughout the day the participants will work individually, in small groups, and as a large group. The variety of group work will allow all children to actively participate in a way that is most comfortable to them. At the beginning of the program, students will be divided into small groups that will move through the different activities. At different times, students will work independently within their small groups and will come together to share their work. At other times, the small groups will all come back together as one large group. The small groups will be randomly predetermined so no time is taken up determining groups once the children arrive. The groups will not be arranged by age, gender, ethnicity, etc.- in this case, it might be beneficial for all kinds of students to interact with each other as they each experience new activities. Each small group will consist of 6 children out of the larger group of 30-36 students (depending on enrollment). Each small group will be headed by an adult volunteer from the museum. His/her job will be to help move the group between the activities, help during the activity leader during the activities, and provide general supervision during the program for their six assigned children. For more on the exact program schedule, see Program Schedule.

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