Educational Psychology: An Application in Art History: A Museum Day Camp for Children Ages 10-12

Incorporation of Cognitive Development Theories

Children of this age have certain cognitive capacities that need to be understood before designing such a program. The three theories outlined below are not the only valid theories in cognitive development but rather offer a good sample of theories to use when creating a children's program.

Jean Piaget & Cognitive Development

Jean Piaget and his cognitive development theory offer good background on the age range of 10-12. Piaget would place these students in a concrete operations stage. Children in this stage show the following characteristics:There are other perspectives on cognitive development that will also provide important structure for the design of this program. 

Lev Vygostky & Cognitive Development

Erik Erikson & Psychosocial Development

There are many references to these theories throughout the program.

Activity 1: What's Going on Here? An Exercise in Basic Visual Analysis

Activity 2: Make It Your Own!

Activity 3: Jackson Pollocked

Activity 4: Artist Activity

Activity 5: Statue Playground

Activity 6: Art History through the Ages

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