Entanglements: an exploration of the digital literary work FISHNETSTOCKINGS

Joellyn Rock previous works

You can see pieces of groundwork for FISHNETSTOCKINGS in Joellyn Rock's ground work, which makes heavy use of silhouette, large-scale projection, lavishly layered collage, and, from a content perspective, the reimagining and reinventing of classical mythology in contemporary terms. Consider her ceramic work, where Venus rises from her clam shell with an airplane streaking behind her. Or the images of the Sophronia project which feature guests standing before projections populated by silhouettes. Whether in ceramics, tapestry, digital projection, or video, Rock draws upon a colorful palette in works that layer simple images into a complex and colorful visual pattern, elements that are infused and diffused throughout FISHNETSTOCKINGS.


(from her webpage)
Joellyn Rock is fascinated by how emerging media is changing the ways that stories can be told. As a visual narrator, her medium of choice has shifted over the years, but she is always telling stories with images. These stories have taken form as illustrations for print media, mixed-media gallery installations, and collaborative performance projects. Others have been made of clay, narratives disguised as the decoration on ceramic vessels. Rock studied comparative literature and visual art as an undergraduate (BA in Visual Art, 1982) and made the crossover to digital media in graduate school (MFA in Design, 2001). In recent years, she has turned to telling stories digitally, using the computer as both creative tool and delivery format.


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