The History of Czechoslovakia: The history behind the self-determined split of the federal state of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Samo’s Empire | Victory against Franks

The most famous event of Samo's rule as a king was his victory over the Frankish royal army under Dagobert I in 631 or 632. Provoked to action by a "violent quarrel in the Pannonian kingdom of the Avars or Huns", Dagobert led three armies against the Wends, the largest being his own Austrasian army.

The Franks were routed near Wogastisburg (today Slovak capital city: Bratislava); the majority of the besieging armies were slaughtered, while the rest of the troops fled, leaving weapons and other equipment lying on the ground.

In the aftermath of the Wendish victory, Samo invaded Frankish Thuringia several times and undertook looting raids there. Dervan, the "duke of the Sorbs", initially subordinate to the Franks, joined the Slavic tribal union after Samo defeated Dagobert I.

The history of the tribal union after Samo's death in 658 or 659 is largely unclear, though it is generally assumed that it ended. Archaeological findings show that the Avars returned to their previous territories (at least to southernmost modern Slovakia) and entered into a symbiosis with the Slavs.

Great Moravia is viewed of as a continuation or successor state to Samo's Empire. The polity has been called the first Slavic state.

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