COVID-19 Pandemic Perspectives

NIAID Director Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. Perspective (Giovanna Ruffino)

Fact-checked source: Dr. Fauci explains new coronavirus timeline through April 

On March 30th, 2020, ABC News chief anchor, George Stephanopoulos, asked Dr. Fauci many questions in regards to the coronavirus timeline being extended through April. 

Looking deeper: Five Facts Checked: 

There are many claims presented throughout this video, so I researched five facts this video presents to verify them. 

France, Italy, Germany and Spain have been seeing similar Covid-19 patterns as America. 

The fact was interesting to me because if other countries are seeing similar patterns as America, collaborating with those countries could lead to a quicker solution. According to thebmj, this is true. 

Even if the guidelines are extended, a lot more people will die. 

This fact matters because some may think when the guidelines are extended, there will no longer be any more deaths. states that research done by the Coronavirus Task Force confirms this. 

Within one day, the deaths due to Covid-19 doubled. 

This is a really important fact because the number of deaths doubling in just one day is very heartbreaking and gives everyone a sense of the importance of the extended guidelines. Interviews in the  The Washington Post confirm this.  

The curve of those affected with Covid-19 usually goes in a straight line, then drops a little, and then surges way up.

It is very important to track how many Covid-19 cases there are in the US. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention confirms that this pattern applies to the US population. 

There are a couple of clinical trials with over 200 patients with one drug called Remdesivir

This fact matters because if Remdesivir shows signs that it is working to treat Coronavirus, it can be widely distributed. The National Institute of Health confirms this clinical trial is in place.    

Analytic Essay: 

The Scientific Way: Dr. Anthony Fauci's Perspective on Covid-19

During the Covid-19 pandemic, most of society is placing scientists under a microscope, watching and waiting for them to find a solution. One being, Dr. Anothony Fauci. Dr. Fauci is a very crucial scientist to our country, he has been the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases since 1984 and has served under six presidents. His perspective on Covid-19 is very trusted and valued nationally because of his experience in regards to widespread diseases. Dr. Fauci’s goal as the director of NIAID is to help lead America to better health in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Dr. Fauci’s perspective on the Covid-19 outbreak is conveyed in a video which was aired by ABC News on March 30th, 2020. George Steffanopolas, the chief anchor and political correspondent on ABC News, interviewed Dr. Fauci for the updated timeline he set in place. This new timeline extends the nation-wide guidelines through the end of April. Dr. Fauci has many main goals and to reach these goals, he believes in the requirement for an extended lockdown.“It was clear that the dynamics of the outbreaks was still on an uptake… we had some intensive conversations with him [the President] and we convinced him to extend them until the end of April when we thought it would peak and start coming down,” (Fauci, 2020). In his attempt to most effectively slow down the spread of Covid-19, he is hoping for a decrease of overpopulated hospitals and most importantly, a decline in the number of deaths nationwide. 

But no matter what, his job is to spread the word and stop the spread of the virus. The most efficient way to reach his goal of slowing down the spread is to reach every household across America. Reaching out to the entirety of America will allow Dr. Fauci to spread his advice and guidelines rapidly to prevent conditions from worsening. Sharing his voice through the media, such as ABC News and many other news outlets, is one of the ways which Dr. Fauci is reaching out to his intended audience.

Dr. Fauci is currently working with White House Coronavirus task force and President Trump. The task force “coordinates and oversees the Administration's efforts to monitor, prevent, contain, and mitigate the spread of coronavirus disease 2019,” (U.S. Department of State, 2020). There are many members of the task force, including Vice President Mike Pence. The task force attends the coronavirus briefings to give any updates they may have. As a group, they individually and collectively play an essential role in helping America right now. 

Being the director for NIAID, there is always a lot at risk. Dr. Fauci and many scientists/doctors alike are put under a surmount of pressure throughout this difficult time. It is Fauci’s job to learn about infectious diseases and to know how to help the citizens of America in regards to diseases like Covid-19. If he makes one wrong decision, it could impact the entire country. Fauci is pushing extreme measures because he wants to get ahead of the virus to slow the spread. “The thing we were pretty sure of is that if we prematurely did it [open up the country], deaths would likely rebound and that is one thing we did not want to happen,”(Fauci, 2020). He may feel responsible for America’s health so he is taking precautionary measures for his own sake and for America’s well-being. 

Dr. Fauci has many advantages because of his high ranking job. One of which is the ability to collaborate with diverse groups of people outside of the United States. Countries around the globe are going through similar hardships as America right now. The Spanish cabinet declared a state of emergency on 14 March 14th, placing the entire country in lockdown, France and Germany have shut their borders to neighbouring countries (Tanne JH, 2020). Dr. Fauci said that the United States has been in contact with their European colleagues such as Italy, France, Germany and Spain. Working together and sharing data allows scientists to understand the virus more, which could lead to a faster solution.

Most people in the United States should understand Covid-19 from the perspective of Dr. Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Due to his knowledge, experience, and expertise on diseases, Fauci is more educated on Covid-19 than most people in the world. Listening to what he has to say and following his recommendations will give America a great advantage at defeating the current situation. 



(n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2020, from

Tanne, J. H., Hayasaki, E., Zastrow, M., Pulla, P., Smith, P., & Rada, A. G. (2020). Covid-19: how doctors and healthcare systems are tackling coronavirus worldwide.  Retrieved from

Ewing, P. (2020, March 31). Coronavirus Task Force Details 'Sobering' Data Behind Its Extended Guidelines. Retrieved from

Siobhán O'Grady, B. S. (2020, April 9). CDC announces coronavirus guidelines for essential workers; New York has highest single-day death toll. Retrieved from

Cases in U.S. (2020, April 24). Retrieved from

NIH clinical trial of remdesivir to treat COVID-19 begins. (2020, February 25). Retrieved from


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