COVID-19 Pandemic Perspectives

Naturopathic Doctors (George Azar)

Fact-Checked Source:
The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP), "The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Urges Physicians and Hospitals to Utilize IV Vitamin C to Combat the COVID-19 Pandemic"

On Monday, April 20, 2020, the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians released a statement concerning what precautions should be taken and how to treat those who have been affected by the pandemic.

Looking Deeper into Facts: 5 Facts Checked

For there to be a greater strength in the pros of natural medicine and a greater claim in this op-ed, these five facts were checked:

We urge our medical colleagues to incorporate this treatment, [IV Vitamin C], from the naturopathic medicine toolkit immediately in an effort to save lives and reduce long-term morbidity.

Intravenous Vitamin C has been proven to be an immune booster and allow the body to ward off viral infections by producing T cells and the produce other lymphocytes. The results of the study from the National Center for Biotechnology Information show quite strong experimental evidence that ascorbic acid matures T-cells more rapidly so they can fight off pathogens and infection. It gives insight into the mechanism of the enhancement of immune function in response to IV Vitamin C.
Patients receiving IVC experienced shorter hospital stays and lower mortality, allowing greater access to intensive care resources (including ventilators) for other vulnerable patients.
According to the consensus conducted by the Shanghai New Corona Virus Disease Clinical Treatment Expert Group, patients staying in hospitals in Shanghai, China, have shown greater recovery and because they spend less time in hospitals. There are also a better supply and demand rate for ventilators and other intensive care resources, which there is a current shortage of in the United States, for those who are in vulnerable and super critical conditions.

Licensed naturopathic doctors work collaboratively across all branches of medicine, and in regulated states NDs are already integrated into healthcare systems.

Naturopathic doctors excel in providing diagnostic approaches and treatments that can ultimately enhance the treatment from conventional doctors. They have a unique "Therapeutic Order," stated on a piece exported from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and the Institute for Natural Medicine (INM), which states and identifies that there is a natural order in how and when naturopathic therapies should be applied so that the greatest benefit can be achieved for the patient. So if a conventional practice is actually proven to work better than one of traditional and naturopathic medicine, ND codes actual state that that practice should be done for the betterment of the patient. 

IVC has been implemented in some Chinese hospitals, and data published by the “Expert Group on Clinical Treatment of New Coronavirus Disease in Shanghai” details the use of IVC as effective adjunctive care of hospitalized COVID-19 patients.

Controlled trials conducted by the expert group on Clinical Treatment of New Coronavirus Disease in Shanghai found in some cases that vitamin C has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, infections, bronchoconstriction, atrial fibrillation, and acute kidney injury. Vitamin C treatments have proven to shorten the length of ICU stay by almost 10% and shortened the duration of mechanical ventilation by almost 20%, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

In these unprecedented times, we must utilize all safe and effective clinical tools available to us. Extensive hospital use of intravenous Vitamin C has the potential to save many lives.

This is a quote from AANP President, Robert Kachko, ND, LAc. It highlights the thoughts and goals of the AANP during this time. The AANP claims that naturopathic medicine has to take a part in the battle against coronavirus if we want to win the fight. 

Analytical Essay

Immune Boosters and Anti Viral Inhibitors: Boosting natural Medicine and Inhibiting Skeptical Views.

The article that I have chosen to fact check is a press release from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and what they advise doctors to use to combat the coronavirus. The article, titled “The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Urges Physicians and Hospitals to Utilize IV Vitamin C to Combat the COVID-19 Pandemic,” conveys the perspective of Naturopathic doctors, specifically, a national organization of Naturopathic Physicians and their suggestion on the need for effective and affordable intervention. NDs are claiming that IV Vitamin C, and other organic compounds can inhibit this coronavirus and act as antivirals and immune boosters.

Naturopathic doctors focus on natural products to treat patients who are more comfortable with this form of medicine, bodies require an organic form of medicine, or who just want a different perspective. As medical healthcare professionals, their view on COVID-19 is similar to that of any other MD or DO doctor, or healthcare professional for that matter. These physicians have “extensive training in drug-nutrient and drug-herb interactions” (AANP, 2020). Their main focus is to contain the spread and rid of the virus. However, the ways that these doctors recommend to do so is what differs from stereotypical western medicine.

The AANP released a statement suggesting that hospitals should utilize intravenous Vitamin C, also known as IVC or IV Ascorbic Acid. I took the liberty to take this one step further and research not only Vitamin C, but other compounds that Naturopathic physicians have used or recommend to use. In research, I have been able to conclude that there are generally two categories of which these natural treatments will fall into place: immune boosters, and antiviral properties.

 Dr. Elizabeth Bird spreads her information and research, titled “COVID19: Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Options for the Non-TCM Trained Clinician“ on Dr. Kara Fitzgerald’s website “Functional Medicine.” Here she discusses possible solutions found to integrate Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), that has shown signs in decreasing symptoms of the virus, to western medicine, and how exactly western doctors can integrate it into their service and care.

In a separate study conducted by Shi-you Li, Cong Chen, et al. from the Beijing Genomics Institute and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, hundreds of natural products were screened and four Chinese herbs were found to have anti-COVID-19 activity. A specific extract, L.Radiata, showed the most potency and is the best candidate from the experiment to make antiviral medicine. Further refining and purification of L.Radiata show that the compound specifically that is antiviral is Lycorine, a compound that has been able to inhibit the Poliomyelitis and Herpes Simplex Viruses, and the tests conducted show that it also has SARS-CoV antiviral properties.

The Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson conducted more of an “immune booster” study, attempting to find ways to strengthen the body so it can fight the virus itself, as well as protecting it from further viral infections. Dr.Weil listed of types of vitamins, minerals, as well as precautions we should be taking to stay healthy and boost our immune systems. Interestingly enough, it was found that Vitamin C, in doses higher than 3,000mg can be effective in stabilizing acute infections (Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine, 2020). With a shorter sleep cycle and high-stress levels, it will increase the risk of illness and decrease Melatonin production, so doctors also recommend regulating both.

During this time, it wouldn’t be ethical to find the distrust in one another. There is a shroud of uncertainty, however, that hangs over the culture of medicine on how the virus spreads and can be denatured. Professionals are focusing their immediate energy to contain the spread of the virus and to treat the symptoms. The Therapeutic Order is something that NDs must abide by to be licensed, it states that NDs will go with whatever treatment will better the ailments of their patients, even if that means a more western or conventional medical method. NDs will work alongside MDs and DOs on the front lines during treatments and are risking their lives to find a cure.

The reason I have decided to do my study on Naturopathic doctors is that it is interestingly enough an unrepresented group within a viewpoint that would be one of the most common groups of individuals to look towards for this project. I believe that it would give better insight into what it is like for an underrepresented group within the category of medical professionals to work alongside them practicing a different form of what is so reported in the media.


Perspective source:

American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. (2020, April 1). The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Urges Physicians and Hospitals to Utilize IV Vitamin C to Combat the COVID-19 Pandemic. Retrieved April 6, 2020, from

This primary source is a post by the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP), found on the AANP website. This response to the virus discusses important factors the association implores hospitals to implement into their treatment and routine. It explains what vitamins and compounds should be used on COVID19 patients and what has already shown to be effective. The AANP claims that there is evidence of productive uses of intravenous Vitamin C on COVID19 patients and that it should be integrated into western hospitals on high-risk and hospitalized patients. Hospitals must give doses of intravenous Vitamin C , also known as IVC and IV Ascorbic Acid, to high-risk and hospitalized patients. This source expresses that there is evidence showing that patients that have been using IVC, in and out of the hospital setting, have a higher chance of reducing their stay in hospitals and improving their health. The trials conducted in and out of the hospital environment in Shanghai, China give a greater insight on how this treatment type has already been proven effective and now should be implemented in western hospitals.

Secondary sources:

Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine. (2020, March 30). Integrative Medicine Doctors Offer Approaches to Combat COVID-19. Retrieved April 6, 2020, from

This site is a collaborative effort of NDs from the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. These consist of supplements and strategies to ensure that during this time, your immune system isn’t compromised. To reduce the risk of viral infection, they offer insights on increasing your average hours of sleep a night to increase the production to increase Melatonin production and to manage stress and to practice mindfulness techniques. This report is interesting because the way it is organized, they section it off in parts based on if you have symptoms what supplements to take, if you want to build your immune system pre and post virus. This source is great because the in depth analysis of the vitamins and minerals give another case where vitamin C has helped rid of infection. 

Bird, E., Fitzgerald, K., Scott, T., & Welsh, L. (2020, March 31). COVID19: Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Options for the Non-TCM Trained Clinician. Dr.Kara Fitzgerald: Functional Medicine. Retrieved April 6, 2020, from

This is a reviewed blog post from Dr. Elizabeth Bird, a board certified pediatric MD, it is reviewed by Dr. Kara Fitzgerald and posted on her self-run website. Dr. Fitzgerald has a doctorate in naturalistic medicine and is an author for esteemed publications, such as Oxford University Press, as well as the Institute of Functional Medicine's textbook of Functional Medicine. She also has a self published book entitled, Methylation Diet and Lifestyle. This article gives insight into what combating COVID19 with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) looks like and how effective it really is in comparison to pharmaceutical antivirals. Along with her colleague Dr. Winston Cardwell, they discussed the importance of translating this type of medicine to a non-TCM doctor, and make TCM and botanical herbs more common in western practice and in western homes.

Cody, G., Hascall, H. (2012, September 9). The History of Naturopathic Medicine: The Emergence and Evolution of an American School of Healing. In Textbook of Natural Medicine (4th ed., pp. 34-60). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Health Sciences.

This is a chapter from the ND textbook “Textbook of Natural Medicine.” This chapter was written by NDs who have Master’s degrees and Juris Doctoral degrees. The authors use different papers and policy regulations that were from different ages of medicine to further discuss the implications of naturopathic medicine in the past and how it might be repeated or how it could potentially affect the future. Naturopathic has been around as long as time and has been showing results, but only recently has become legitimized and more common in medical society. This chapter of the textbook discusses multiple aspects to the history of Naturopathic Medicine. It starts with a short overview of the history of early American medicine and how natural healing played into it. In 1800-1875 America, this chapter discusses the influence settlers had on medicine during that time as well as the beginnings of "scientific medicine" and the founding of what we now call Naturopathic Medicine. It goes into detail about German natural medical influencer, Benedict Lust and early twentieth century medicine and the different eras of naturopathic medicine. This chapter really helped structure the foundation of the credibility and history of alternative medicine.

Li, S.-you, Chen, C., Zhang, H.-qing, Guo, H.-yan, Wang, H., Wang, L., … Tan, X. (2005, April 28). Identification of natural compounds with antiviral activities against SARS-associated coronavirus. Retrieved from!

This paper is on the countless studies of doctors and researchers from the Beijing Genomics Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. More than 200 Chinese medicinal herb extracts were screened for antiviral activities against a strain of the current Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV). It was found in this study that Lycoris radiata was most potent. This study further examines L. radiata for possible natural drug usages and explores anti-viral practices. This paper gave more insight on how exactly tests are conducted and what type of processes researchers and doctors go through to see if a compound was antiviral and had the properties to combat SARS-COVID19.

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