COVID-19 Pandemic Perspectives

Hospital administrators (Mehran Anwar)


       Fact Check

  1. “Admin groups are able to observe all the negative impacts of the pandemic in hospitals”. This fact is true because the admin groups are the highest authority in the hospitals, which allows them to oversee everything that occurs in there, both the good and the bad.
  2. “These hospitals are able to run because the nurses and other in-person workers come in and work”. This is factual because without the in-person workers it would be impossible to run the hospital.
  3. “Those in poverty need the 1200 …” This is factual because those in poverty have little to no wealth, so they need money to get basic needs like food.
  4. “The stimulus provided .. is 1.7 million”. This is unfortunately factual. For some reason the rich are given a ridiculous stimulus to maintain there wealthy habits.
  5. “There are risks that come with working in a hospital …”. This is factual because the hospital is the only place for treatment during a pandemic. All in-person workers are at risk.

Analytic Essay

An interesting perspective to examine regarding the recent covid-19 pandemic is the perspective of admin groups in hospitals. These admin groups consist of the high-ranking authorities in hospitals, such as the chief of staff. Admin groups in hospitals are able to observe all of the negative impacts of the pandemic in the hospitals. By observing these effects they can develop solutions to certain problems in order to keep the hospitals running. An example of one of these impacts would be a lack of masks in the hospitals, which would expose the in-person hospital workers to the virus. Ed Tong’s “The Next Plague is Coming. Is America Ready?” asks if the United States is ready for a new plague, and the answer is no. We had not prepared at all for this pandemic and because of it our hospitals are in questionable shape. It is imperative to keep hospitals running throughout this pandemic because without them we would not be able to treat the infected. These hospitals are able to run because the nurses, physicians, janitors, and any other fundamental workers come to work. The viewpoint I want to analyze is that of the hospital workers who are not required to come into work throughout this pandemic. These admin group hospital workers are able to earn their bountiful salary while working from home while the ones that have to come in to keep the hospital running earn only a fraction of what the admin group workers make. This situation is comparable to the distribution of wealth via stimulus checks throughout the United States. Those in poverty need the 1200 dollar check to provide themselves and their families with basic human needs and are forced to live on the bare minimum throughout this pandemic. However, on the other side of the spectrum lies the rich, the top one percent. The stimulus check provided to approximately 40,000 affluent Americans is a whopping 1.7 million dollars. Those who actually need the money are given the bare minimum, while the already prosperous are given an absurd amount. The admin group hospital workers represent the rich while the essential in-person workers represent those in poverty. This covid-19 pandemic does not have a direct effect on the income of the admin hospital workers, they are able to earn a hefty amount while working from home, they personally have nothing to lose. However, some admin hospital workers are concerned with how the crucial in-person workers will handle the pandemic. Take Dr. Sarosh Anwar and Dr. Maliha Shaikh for example, a cardiologist and nephrologist respectively who both hold admin level positions at their places of work. Both Dr. Anwar and Dr. Shaikh are devotional muslims and they both apply their beliefs in their daily lives. A fundamental aspect of muslim beliefs are the Five Pillars of Islam, one of those five is Zakat. One completes Zakat by helping those in need, this can be done by simply donating to charity. These two dedicated, practicing muslims find themselves in a position of power and have chosen to use that power to help others. The goals of Dr. Anwar and Dr. Shaikh are to positively influence those around them, either directly or indirectly. Their intended audience is the collective of essential hospital workers who barely get by, yet they do not hesitate to help any others in need that cross their path. Because they are both well-trained physicians, they are able to ascertain the facts about covid-19 while easily rejecting any false information. The two doctors trust their tight-knit group of doctors which they have made connections with throughout their careers. There are certain risks that come with physically working in a hospital during a pandemic, such as contracting the virus. Doctor Anwar and Doctor Shaikh are aware of these risks and do their best to keep those in-person workers as safe as possible, be it by obtaining masks for the hospital workers or by providing them with basic human needs. It’s important to include this perspective in our website because in the case of another pandemic this perspective would provide instructions on how to keep the hospitals running. It is of the utmost importance that hospitals are functioning during a pandemic because they are the only places for the infected to get treated. This perspective explains how kind-hearted citizens could positively impact their community by helping out the essential in-person hospital workers who risk contracting the virus daily. 

Anwar, Sarosh. (2020, April 10). Personal interview.
In this interview with Dr. Sarosh Anwar, Anwar provides an honest opinion regarding this pandemic while also providing a perspective from the top of the hospitals. Having not enough masks, having not enough space in the hospitals, and not having a reliable source of income are all problems faced by the hospitals which Anwar summarized. 

Shaikh, Maliha. (2020, April 10). Personal interview.
In this interview with Dr. Maliha Shaikh, Shaikh provides an accurate account of the impacts of the pandemic inside the hospitals. Shaikh is able to provide perspectives from both the top of the hospital (an admin group) and from inside the hospital. Shaikh maintains relationships with her in-person workers and gains insight regarding their perspectives on the pandemic.

Yong, S. by E. (2020, March 27). The Next Plague Is Coming. Is America Ready? Retrieved from
In this online article, Yong raises concerns regarding the United States of America's readiness for the pandemic. The article provides background information on pandemics that occurred previously throughout history. The article supplies information regarding how previous pandemics impacted certain countries, and what measures these countries took to fight the virus. 

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