COVID-19 Pandemic Perspectives

Emergency Room Trauma Doctors Perspective- Sabrina Bahu

Here is a video from CBS Chicago...

Link to full CBS Chicago video:

COVID-19 is a flu-like illness that has taken over the normalities of the world. Patients are overflowing hospitals and some are sadly dying. Emergency room doctors are on the front line of this frightening and unpredictable pandemic, and I have decided to represent their point of view on the matter. The article presented at the beginning of this webpage comes from CBS Chicago, a reliable source that is showing the perspective of Doctor Scott Samlan who is an ER doctor at Mount Sinai Hospital on Chicago’s west side. His viewpoint is very important because he speaks for other Emergency trauma doctors who are experiencing extremely similar situations. He says that he has seen nothing like this, and that gun wounds don't even scare him as much as this, cases that trauma doctors see pretty often. The article contains a video, and if the listener pays attention, one can hear the trembling and shaking voice of Doctor Samlan. The coronavirus pandemic clearly matters to this doctor and doctors in general because they are the ones mostly dealing with the sick patients. Every new update and discovery matters to the doctors because they need to be in the know and always up to date on what's happening to properly treat the patients in their care. Trauma doctors have definitely lost protection from COVID-19 compared to those quarantined at home. They are being constantly exposed to the virus which results in them potentially being exposed. But as Doctor Samlan stated, “It’s not our job, it’s our duty. This is what we signed up for”. These doctors know that they are important in determining at least some of the outcome of the virus, because if they did not care and refused to treat the patients, no one would and there would be an extreme increase in deaths compared to the casualties there are currently. The doctors value health, care, treatment, and prosperity. They want the best for their patients and it is their goal to do everything morally right to help them. Facts that matter to them are the numbers of people infected, the symptoms presented that signify COVID-19, the patients health history so they could determine the proper medical route, etc but will finish the rest of the essay after feedback for this portion.


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