Counter-Cola: A Multinational History of the Global CorporationMain MenuAn Introduction to the Digital BookThe Coca-Cola Bottling System and the Logics of the FranchiseMediating Coca-Colonization: Negotiating National Development and Difference in Coca-Cola’s Postwar Internationalization“I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke”: The “Real Thing” and the Revolutions of the 1960s"Indianize" or "Quit India": Nationalist Challenges in Post-Colonial IndiaA Man in Every Bottle: Labor and Neoliberal Violence in Colombian BottlingWater for Life, Not for Coca-Cola: Commodification, Consumption, and Environmental ChallengesCSR: Corporate Social Responsibility and Continued Social ResistanceA NonconclusionAmanda Ciafone0aef7449200e57e794d451fa2ca99b0795928eaf
Counter-Cola: Introduction
1media/All Over the World Coca Cola Brings Refreshment Larger cropped.jpg2019-04-22T15:24:06-07:00Amanda Ciafone0aef7449200e57e794d451fa2ca99b0795928eaf1520013splash2019-04-24T15:16:04-07:00Amanda Ciafone0aef7449200e57e794d451fa2ca99b0795928eafThank you for popping open Counter-Cola! Here you will find a digital book version of Counter-Cola: A Multinational History of the Global Corporation, by Amanda Ciafone (University of California Press, 2019). This digital complement introduces a number of the arguments of the print book, as well as some of the unique archive of multi-media materials that evidenced it. A print book is limited in its ability to present such audio visual materials. But here they are freely available for research and teaching, criticism and comment.
You can navigate the book's chapters via the pull-down menu on the upper-left-side of the page.
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1media/Ciafone comp8 counter cola full covered up text.jpg2017-02-10T23:00:14-08:00Amanda Ciafone0aef7449200e57e794d451fa2ca99b0795928eafCOUNTER-COLAAmanda Ciafone30A Multinational History of the Global Corporationbook_splash2019-04-24T14:53:05-07:00Amanda Ciafone0aef7449200e57e794d451fa2ca99b0795928eaf
Contents of this path:
1media/All Over the World Coca Cola Brings Refreshment Larger cropped.jpg2019-04-23T20:50:54-07:00Amanda Ciafone0aef7449200e57e794d451fa2ca99b0795928eafIntroduction18image_header2019-04-24T02:55:45-07:00Amanda Ciafone0aef7449200e57e794d451fa2ca99b0795928eaf
1media/All Over the World Coca Cola Brings Refreshment Larger cropped.jpg2019-04-24T02:35:42-07:00Amanda Ciafone0aef7449200e57e794d451fa2ca99b0795928eafThe Coca-Cola World System5image_header2019-04-24T16:58:20-07:00Amanda Ciafone0aef7449200e57e794d451fa2ca99b0795928eaf
1media/All Over the World Coca Cola Brings Refreshment Larger cropped.jpg2019-04-24T02:49:25-07:00Amanda Ciafone0aef7449200e57e794d451fa2ca99b0795928eafA People’s History of The Coca-Cola Company3image_header2019-04-24T03:12:30-07:00Amanda Ciafone0aef7449200e57e794d451fa2ca99b0795928eaf