Companies of the Fort Missoula CCC District

Company 3266

Company 3266Camp Rimini: F-79Helena, Montana

Company 3266 was organized in 1937, at Fisher's Landing, New York. It arrived in Helena, Montana, in 1939, and was assigned the project building roads, creating fire barriers, and stringing telephone lines. Company 3266 consisted of [number of men].

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Company 3266, now at Camp F-79 Rimini, Helena, Montana, was wedged into the CCC unit on October 1, 1937, by being assigned 25 enrollees from Company 1294, Camp SP-54. Fisher’s Landing, New York. Captain R. E. Balliet was the first commanding officer.

On October 4, 1937, 85 enrollees from Rome, Mexico, and surrounding vicinities of New York reported to Company 3266 for duty at Fisher’s Landing. At the same time 55 others from Fulton and Syracuse, New York, moved into Mannsville, New York. The three groups were united to for the Company.

On October 10,1937, Company 3299 entrained at Clayton, New York, and arrived at Camp Hayden Creek in the Coeur d’Alene National Forest, Idaho, on October 13th. Camp Hayden Creek was the home of Company 3266 until the spring of 1939, during which time twenty-seven hundred acres of blister rust control work was completed, eight miles of Cedar Mountain road constructed and a great deal of work done on fire hazard and timber stand improvement.

June 11,1939, was the date on which the last move of Company 3266 was completed. On that date the company arrive at Camp F-79, the construction of which had not been fully completed. Since arriving at Camp F-79, members of the company have  constructed grounds, completed six miles of road construction, 155 acres of fire hazard reduction and 1900 acres of rodent control, and at the present are engaged in the construction of approximately ninety-one miles of telephone line.

The present administrative personnel includes Chester A. Lee, Company Commander; Ismail T. Higgs, Subaltern; William O. Roullier, Camp Superintendent; James H. Philips, Camp Surgeon; and Lawrence B. Quinn, Camp Educational Adviser.

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