Company 1293
Company 1293 | Camp Whitehall: G-127 | Whitehall, Montana |
Company 1293 was organized in 1935, at Camp Dix, New Jersey. It arrived in Whitehall, Montana, in 1938, and was assigned the project of developing Federal range lands.
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Company 1293, CCC, was organized in 1935 at Camp Dix, New Jersey. Its first camp location was in Delaware with Mosquito Control as a project. In this location, is is reported, the camp was located adjacent to a High School and was very fortunate in being permitted the complete facilities of this High School for its regular Educational Program. In October, 1937, the company moved to Higgins, Idaho. It occupied Camp F-107, with a road construction project, under the Forest Service. In May, 1938, the company was again moved. In its new location at Big Timber, Montana, it again operated under the Forest Service, on road Construction. This camp was only a summer camp and was under canvas. On its departure in October, 1938, the company, in a letter from the Supervisor of the Absaroka National Forest, was lauded for splendid work done.
The company occupied its present site, Camp G-127, Whitehall Montana, on October 24, 1938. Under the Grazing Service, its projects are the development of Federal range lands. This includes construction of fence, development of Springs, and construction of dams.
In September, 1939, the Recreation Hall burned to the ground without loss of life or injury. It was replaced by a new building shortly thereafter.
In September, 1939, the company baseball team won the Fort Missoula District Championship, after an unusually successful season of 19 wins out of twenty games.
Altho a rolling stone gathers no moss, a roving CCC Company does gather a large number of books. The camp library contains approximately 2000 volumes.
The technical service, at the present time, is maintaining two spike camps. One is working out of the CCC Camp at Dillon, Montana, where 25 men of the company are on detached service. The other which will shortly be built up to a strength of 50 men is at Towsend about 70 miles northeast of the main camp.
The present camp staff consist of: George R. Kent, Company Commander; Leland V. Miller, Subaltern; Dr. Walter S. Kotas, Camp Physician; Jacob A Hermann, Educational Adviser.
The company occupied its present site, Camp G-127, Whitehall Montana, on October 24, 1938. Under the Grazing Service, its projects are the development of Federal range lands. This includes construction of fence, development of Springs, and construction of dams.
In September, 1939, the Recreation Hall burned to the ground without loss of life or injury. It was replaced by a new building shortly thereafter.
In September, 1939, the company baseball team won the Fort Missoula District Championship, after an unusually successful season of 19 wins out of twenty games.
Altho a rolling stone gathers no moss, a roving CCC Company does gather a large number of books. The camp library contains approximately 2000 volumes.
The technical service, at the present time, is maintaining two spike camps. One is working out of the CCC Camp at Dillon, Montana, where 25 men of the company are on detached service. The other which will shortly be built up to a strength of 50 men is at Towsend about 70 miles northeast of the main camp.
The present camp staff consist of: George R. Kent, Company Commander; Leland V. Miller, Subaltern; Dr. Walter S. Kotas, Camp Physician; Jacob A Hermann, Educational Adviser.
- Mosquito control
- Road construction
- Development of Federal range lands
- George P. Kent - Company Commander
- Leland V. Miller - Subaltern
- Jacob A. Herrmann - Educational Adviser
- Dr. Walter S. Kotas - Camp Surgeon
- Sam Wilson - Project Superintendent
- George Foreman - Foreman
- John R. Mears - Foreman
- Ernest W. Taggert - Mechanic
James Anderson, Ralph M. Andretta, Aniello Annunziata, Richard J. Boardman, Alex G. Brimlow, George J. Burns, Rocco Cairello, Conrad Calderon, Edward J. Cichocki, Richard J. Clark, Henry L. Dingman, Albert J. Eddy, Paul A. Erwin, Anthony Falco, Vincent A. Farina, Joseph Felicia, Juan H. Feliciano, Theodore Ferencz, Walter G. Fidali, William L. Finger, Harold P. Finney, Pasqualo F. Flamia, James E. Flynn, Andrew Frey, Dominick J. Galante, Sidney J. Garfinkle, Joseph Gatto, James E. Gebhard, Vincent A. Giaccio, Jack Goldstein, Leo F. Grabowski, Robert Hand, John R. Hanley, Joseph R. Hanlon, George B. Harris, Robert Harris, Charles Harrow, G. Haus, William K. Hendershot, Charles J. Herman, Edward F. Honn, Robert J. Hopkins, John J. Hronec, John P. Icart, Michael A. Imperaile, Thomas J. Imperato, William V. Irwin, Stanley J. Jaskowiak, Joseph Jessick, Howard P. Johnson, Alenander A. Kaminski, Louis J. Kappeler, Edward J. Karpacz, Joseph J. Kiernan, Henry Kiliyanski, Ronald Kinder, Leon Korpacz, William H. Krauter, Leo Kravitz, Michael F. Krawitz, Joseph J. Krol, Frank J. Kropfl, Frank C. Kulesza, Richard A. Kump, Donald M. La Fergola, Miguel A. La Fontaine, Carmen N. La Vorgna, Bruno Lacchia, Teddy J. Lacz, Ignatius J. Laudicino, Henry W. Lauterbach, Samuel Levine, Edward G. Lewis, Richard N. Liguori, Joseph N. Lillis, Louis Limardo, Salvatore S. Lo Perfito, Michael N. Lombardi, Eugene Lopez, S. Lopez, Ernest O. Luchtenberg, Gerald Lucia, George A. Lutack, Walter E. Lynch, Frank J. Macek, Biagio E. Maddalena, John J. Maddox, Torence J. Makin, Julio R. Malavez, John Marin, Clyde S. Martin, Anthony T. Martino, Arthur Marzo, Frank J. Mastandrea, Roman F. Matusiak, Zygmunt C. Matusiak, James J. Mc Carthy, Earnest P. Mc Grath, William T. G. Mc Grath, William L. McNoll, Edward F. Mealey, Louis Mignogna, Fred G. Miller, Carlton L. Mills, Antonio A. Minio, John Monturo, James F. Mooney, Louis Morello, Thomas J. Morris, William J. Morris, Alfred Muller, Rosendo Nazario, Milton Nemesch, William P. Niewiarowski, David W. Nisbet, Thomas B. O'Donnell, Louis A. Penn, Joseph Rizzo, Donald Roberts, Harold A. Roberts, Theodore Romanowski, Cono J. Sarivole, LeRoy J. Switzler, Salvatore Triano, Andrew Turner, Mario Vazquez, George W. Vreeland, Jr., Roman Yaremchuk, Wladimir W. Zadubera, Stanley J. Zbejczyk.
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