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Turkey in the Cold War: Ideology and Culture




Örnek, Cangül, and Çagdas Üngör. Turkey in the Cold War: Ideology and Culture. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Internet resource.




Essays collection


Introduction: Turkey’s Cold War: Global Influences, Local Manifestations

Örnek, Cangül (et al.)

Pages 1-18






This volume examines the cultural and ideological dimensions of the Cold War in Turkey. Departing from the conventional focus on diplomacy and military, the collection focuses on Cold War's impact on Turkish society and intellectuals. It includes chapters on media and propaganda, literature, sports, as well as foreign aid and assistance.




Key Terms

Criticisms and Questions





Although turkey is Center Stage with Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan it is completely neglected in most literature.

- Facebook aims to address this important Gap by bringing the local ramifications of the Cold War ideoogical struggle to Global scholarly attention.

-What were the manifestations of the major Cold War ideological divisions in the Turkish context>? What was the role of official institutions and pro-establishment intellectuals in disseminating pro-western and anti communist ideas? how did Turkish officials intellectuals and dissidents respond to American influence in the social economic and cultural fields?

- young Turkish Republic was friendly with the Soviet Union because it received political and material support during the war of independence. friendly relations throughout the 1920s and 1930s.  Maine collaboration was economic planning and industrialization.

- deterioration of relationship during the second World War when Turkish men of letters immigrated from the Soviet Union and sympathized with Nazi Germany.  after the war when atrocities were revealed these Pro Turkish intellectuals would be prosecuted.

- Soviet demands for the Bosphorus shipping channel and Eastern Anatolia would push turkey away from it.

- the Turkish Confederation of revolutionary trade unions founded in 1967 fiercely challenged the pro-government labor Confederation that had advocated american-style free unionism since the early 1950s.

- in the liberal atmosphere of the 1960s translations of the previously banned marxist  Classics became popular and a discussion over Soviet realism took place.

- after 1980 the Turkish Islamic synthesis came to dominate the educational curriculum as well as other aspects of social life.


Chapter 2 : China and Turkish public opinion during the Cold War : the case of a cultural revolution


- during the cultural revolution turkey had limited information about China because of linguistic and academic expertise.

- there were two main images that opposed one another about Maoist China: The mainstream media was preoccupied with order and stability and was upset with the violence leftists on the other hand we're greatly inspired

-Overall it helped to deepen the debate over the Cold War in Turkey.


Chapter 5: Issues of ideology and identity in Turkish literature during the Cold War


-The impact of the 1930s First Congress of Soviet Writers had an immediate impact on Turkey. Karsosmanoglu went to it.

-Nazim Hikmet was a huge influence on the left cultural scence until the 50s.

-1940s poets under Hikmets influence: Hasan İzzettin Dinamo, A. Kadir, Enver Gökçe, Arif Damar, Ahmed Arif: unıted in their exploration of war and militarism, class struggles, and the explotation of workers. Can Yucel published discorse on anarchism and eroticism in the Marxist vein.

-Parralel to the rise of the socialist realist poets with less political messages but trying to mimetically represent all levels of society: Reşat Enis Aygen, Bekir Sıtkı Kunt, Kenan Hulusi Koray, Mehmet Seyda. And stories of ordinary people in life: Sait Faik and Cevat  Şakir Kabaağaçlı

-most prominent anti soviet writer was Nihal Atsız

- village themese by the three kemals: Tahir focused on the sexuality and corruption which overturned fetisization of anatolian aggrandizement. Degeneration and misery.

-Orhan Kemal’s baba evi is an allegory for the instability of the turkish republic, identity search.

-Literary left tradition opposed to hegemonic politics: Aziz Nesin, Sabahattin Ali, Rifat Ilgaz, Vedat Turkali, and Yasar Kemal.

-Ince Memed carefully explores utopian revolutionism and the hero who is fallable.

-Kisakurek became anti-communist who was also critical of westernization.

-Some of the best socialis rrealist writers for village novels: Talip Apaydin, Kemal BIlbasar, Fakir Baykurt, Dursun Akcam. Many suffer from dramatic hero imbalance.

-Next generation of  socialist realist poets: Hasan Huseyin, Sukran Kurdakul, Ataol Behramoglu, Gulten AKin.  Behramoglu close to soviets and spent two years in Moscow.

-Kurtlar Sofrasi - discusses the rise of new classes in Turkey in parallel to Mahmud’s struggle between personal romance and sense of duty to society.

-Devlet ana focuses on ottoman beginnings as pseudo-socialist state and social structure.

-Generation of 1950 was a counter-current in Turkey lacking domineering socialist-realist lit, city origin, aienation of intellectuals and growing distrust of people: Vusat O Bener, Demir Ozlu, Ferit Edgu, Orhan Duru, Yusuf Atilgan, Bilge Karasu, Tahsin Yucel, began writing between 1950-60.

-Tutunamayanlar the identity conflicts of a petty-bourgeois intelelctual like the gen of 1950.

-Yasar Kemal - Yusufcuk Yusuf (1975) the tension between established and contemporary landowners, making the transformaiton from aga to bey a metaphor of the transformation from fuedalism to premature capitalism.   


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