1media/IMG_0694_thumb.jpg2023-02-14T17:19:32-08:00Sue Luftscheinc3da4f338cfb5c3d980919bd84c8fb083c380bd6423921Printers mark and imprint, Horti Malabarici pars prima [-duodecima & ultima]plain2023-02-14T17:19:32-08:0034.020083333333,-118.2839583333320230210131854-0800Sue Luftscheinc3da4f338cfb5c3d980919bd84c8fb083c380bd6
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1media/IMG_0693.jpg2023-02-13T12:57:41-08:00Viduae Joannis van Someren (The widow of Joannis van Someren)14plain2023-03-03T11:09:11-08:00Joannis van Someren was active as a printer in Amsterdam until his death in 1676. His (unidentified) widow took over the business in approximately 1679. Joannis van Dyck was another printer in Amsterdam who worked with Joannis van Someren. It is possible that "haeradum Joannis van Dyck" refers to van Dyck's widow, as widows often used "haeradum" (heir) to identify themselves. The widow of Theodore Boom also collaborated with van Someren before his death.
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