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Alexei Taylor, Author
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The Encounter

With its array of brightly coloured and seemingly pointless novelty items, I couldn't help but be drawn to the Virgin Megastore

Amongst the nic-nacs and undesired christmas gifts I was sure that I'd find something to fit the description of the project. What I did not expect to find was an item that I felt a connection with. The ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ slogan is heavily associated with Britain, making my discovery of the book in Abu Dhabi a bit of a proud moment. However, the adaptation of the slogan to ‘Keep Calm for Chaps’ made me laugh due to its attempt to appear so ‘British’ that the slogan sounds heavy and forced. At which point I remembered a news story I had seen before coming to Abu Dhabi where the legal ownership of the slogan was in dispute. After standing at the till for three minutes, scrutinising the book with no intention of buying it I realised the level to which I was engaging with this artwork. The choice for it to become my item became remarkably simple.
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