Worlding Electronic WasteMain MenuChapter 1 | IntroductionChapter 1 summary and figures.Chapter 2 | Waste/Non-WasteChapter 2 summary and figures.Chapter 3 | The Discard TestChapter 3 summary and figures.Chapter 4 | Charting Flows of Electronic WasteChapter 4 summary and figures.Chapter 5 | Looking Again in a Different WayChapter 5 summary and figures.Chapter 6 | Weighty GeographiesChapter 6 summary and figures.Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688eVisit MIT Press
Figure 5.5
12017-05-02T09:22:24-07:00Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688e899410The co-appearance of terms in the titles, abstracts, or keywords of academic literature that cites 'Exporting Harm'. Relative frequency (y axis) measures the occurrence of terms relative to the total number of words that appear in a document. Documents have been grouped by their year of publication (x axis).plain2017-11-08T11:56:35-08:00Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688e
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12017-05-12T04:08:54-07:00Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688eChapter 5 | Looking Again in a Different WayJosh Lepawsky16Chapter 5 summary and figures.plain4418602018-01-19T05:04:03-08:00Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688e