Worlding Electronic WasteMain MenuChapter 1 | IntroductionChapter 1 summary and figures.Chapter 2 | Waste/Non-WasteChapter 2 summary and figures.Chapter 3 | The Discard TestChapter 3 summary and figures.Chapter 4 | Charting Flows of Electronic WasteChapter 4 summary and figures.Chapter 5 | Looking Again in a Different WayChapter 5 summary and figures.Chapter 6 | Weighty GeographiesChapter 6 summary and figures.Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688eVisit MIT Press
Figure 5.2
12017-05-12T04:18:58-07:00Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688e89943Abandoned automobiles near Great Salt Lake, 1974. Source: US National Archives Public Domain Image.plain2017-11-08T11:52:41-08:00Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688e
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12017-05-12T04:08:54-07:00Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688eChapter 5 | Looking Again in a Different WayJosh Lepawsky16Chapter 5 summary and figures.plain4418602018-01-19T05:04:03-08:00Josh Lepawsky31444794f29f45991a28c6c997946216e765688e