Digital Labor in a Virtual World
Virtual games bring out different characters and personalities based on skill set, appearance and attitude. Empire @ play discusses the virtual video game world and how it can become more of a reality. It also talks about personalities been drawn out from different characters. "It is from such stimulation that virtual games emerged, broke loose into ludic freedom only to now be re-intergrated into the assemblages of world capitol, as a means of inducing the "flexible personality". (Witherford) In Hunger Games each of the competitors have their own skill that they use in the games. For example Katniss has her archery skills as well as fast thinking. Peeta has his heavy lifting abilities. Before the games before the big ceremony they each have to come before a board of judges who ask each individual what their skills are. When Katniss comes up to the review board they are completely ignoring her and she flings the bow onto the apple they are eating. They are completely in shock.
Katniss also gets another identity given to her she is known as the girl on fire. She comes out during the ceremony next to Peeta in a shower of flames. Then during her public interview with Caesar, she is wearing a fiery red dress. He makes Katniss stand up and twirl for him, she is swarmed by flames and the viewers are completely wowed by it.