Untold Stories Guide

2014 Solidarity March

The students of color at Oregon State University have a long history of standing up
for their beliefs, confronting campus racism, and raising their voices in unison as part
of the struggle for social justice. Their activism dates back to the Black Student Union
Walkout of 1969, the 1996 March and Boycott, and the student led establishment of
the campus’ Cultural Resource Centers (CRCs). It is through these acts of solidarity and
the work of the CRCs that students of color have been able to find a sense of home
and community in a predominantly white school. (1) However, towards the end of winter
term 2014, incidents of racism at OSU once again brought students of color together to
engage the campus community in dialogue about issues of race and culture, as well as
an opportunity for the students and their allies to march in solidarity.

On February 28th and March 6th, anonymous acts of racism brought light to hate
speech and bigotry on campus. One act was a photo posted online of racist graffiti found
in a bathroom located in Kidder Hall that read, “The only good indian is a dead indian.”
Another was a note described as “offensive and racially charged” found in the Women’s
Center suggestion box. (2) The university responded with a police investigation and
email message from the administration to the OSU community, including a statement
from President Ed Ray that, “These behaviors do not reflect who we are. Therefore,
we will not let people who engage in these terrible and senseless acts control us or
persist in their actions.” (3) These incidents shook the student body and many students
spoke up against the racism. Inspired by similar actions at another university, student
Justin McDaniels formed the campaign “I, Too, Am OSU” #ITooAmOSU and through
social media, students of color encouraged discussion of racial issues on campus and
organized events, including the Solidarity March. (4)

The #ITooAmOSU campaign came together at the Memorial Union (MU) Quad on
March 9th, and the Solidarity March occurred March 12, 2014. On the 9th, over 200
people showed their support throughout the day. Many stopped to share their stories
as well write small notes in support of the campaign with #ITooAmOSU and to have
their photo taken for a collection of images. Their input became a part of the “dialogue
about micro-aggressions and negative perceptions that minorities deal with” on
campus and in their daily lives. (5) And, through use of the hashtag, students were
able to update the student body on what was going on, including plans for the march
the next week. The Solidarity March brought together students and faculty of many
different backgrounds; its purpose was to stand in solidarity with those who were
racially targeted and to honor campus diversity.

The march began at the Pride Center and made its way to other cultural centers
on campus, stopping at each one to give students the opportunity to express their
frustrations and share their experiences enduring racism. Approximately 200 individuals
participated, including President Ed Ray. Students appreciated this act from the President
and leader Justin McDaniels stated, “We’re lucky Oregon State takes our voices seriously
and gives us a platform.” (6) The march symbolized the importance of unity among
students of color at OSU and their zero-tolerance for racism. Following the march several
forums were organized to keep the discussion going. There were five dialogue spaces
over the course of the next week for students, faculty, and staff including: a Student-Led
#ITooAmOSU Roundtable, an #ITooAmOSU in Our Halls Discussion Forum, a Women of
Color Dialogue Space, an #ITooAmOSU Dialogue for Anti-Racist Allies, and an Employee
Roundtable. (7) Events such as these show us that students at OSU are determined
to stand up for each other and that discrimination will not be tolerated.

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