Unit 4, Lesson 4: How Did Mexican Americans Build a Community in Bryn Mawr?

How Did Mexican Americans Build a Community in Bryn Mawr?

Set the Scene:

As early as 1893, many people from Mexico immigrated to Bryn Mawr to find work. In Bryn Mawr, most of the work was on citrus groves. Although Mexicans and Mexican Americans were hard workers they were not always treated well. How would you feel if your family had to move to a new country?


Americanization (n.) a process meant to replace Mexican culture with American culture

Community (n.) A group of people who live in the same area or who share common characteristics or interests*

Discrimination (n.) Unfair treatment of one person or group of people because of the person or group’s identity (e.g. race, gender, ability, religion, culture, etc.). Discrimination is an action that can come from prejudice* 

Mexican American (n.) A person with Mexican heritage who was born in the United States of America and is a U.S. citizen.

Prejudice (n.) Judging or having an idea about someone or a group of people before you actually know them. Prejudice is often directed toward people in a certain identity group (race, religion, gender, etc.)*

Stereotype (n.) The false idea that all members of a group are the same and think and behave in the same way*

*definitions from the Anti-Defamation League.

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