The Space Between: Literature and Culture 1914-1945

Volume 14, 2018 | Dada and Surrealism: Transatlantic Aliens on American Shores, 1914–1945

A Special Topics Issue
James W. McManus, Professor Emeritus, California State University—Chico

Editor's Introduction | Transplanted: Dadas and Surrealisms—Hybrids on American Soil


Myths, Dreams, and Romantic Legacy

We Are Property:  The "Great Invisibles" Considered Alongside "Weird" and Science Fiction in America, 1919–1943
Gavin Parkinson

Displaced Maneuvers:  Tactile Surrealism in VVV's Handheld Camera
Erin McClenathan

Supernatural Beings, Shamans, and Dream-Places:  Jules Monnerot and the Native American Touchstones of Surrealism's Mythological Realignment, 1939–1945
Will Atkin

A Version of Surrealism:  transition and its Romantic Legacy
Douglas Cushing

In and Out of the Public Eye

The Dream of Eros:  Surrealism on the Midway, 1939
Robin Blyn

Still Spellbound by Spellbound
Elliott H. King

"A Way of Life":  The Museum of Modern Art and the Marketplace for Surrealism
Sandra Zalman

Marcel Duchamp's Guernica?  "His Twine," the First Papers of Surrealism (1942), and Aerial Warfare in Europe
James Housefield

Surrealism, War, and the Art of Camouflage
Samantha Kavky

Invention and Reinvention of the Self

What a Joke!  Marcel Duchamp's Funny Fountain and its Complete Reversal of Art
Anne Collins Goodyear

Peter Miller:  Forgotten Woman of American Modernism
Francis M. Naumann

Leonora Carrington: "Wild Card"
Catriona McAra

Across the American Landscape

Between Myth and Movement:  The Depression-Era Iconography of the American Social Surrealists
Jonathan Judd

Dream Homes:  Surrealism in Chicago
Janine Mileaf

Cosmic Allegories:  Post-Surrealism and Astronomy in Interwar Los Angeles
Marianne Kinkel

"Gathered Another Way":  Early Surrealist Exhibitions at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Berit Potter


Pregnancy in Faulkner's Artist Novels:  Masculinity, Sexology, and Creativity in Interwar America
Aimee Armande Wilson


Intersections of Resistance in the Space Between
Catherine W. Hollis


Crime Writing in Interwar Britain:  Fact and Fiction in the Golden Age
Victoria Stewart
Reviewed by Debra Rae Cohen

The Proletarian Answer to the Modernist Question
Nick Hubble
Reviewed by Michael McCluskey

The New Woman:  Literary Modernism, Queer Theory, and the Trans Feminine Allegory
Emma Heaney
Reviewed by Jennifer P. Nesbitt

The Many Façades of Edith Sitwell
Allan Pero and Gyllian Phillips, editors
Reviewed by Cyrena Pondrom

The Wireless Past:  Anglo-Irish Writers and the BBC, 1931–1968
Emily Bloom
Reviewed by Melissa Dinsman

Scholarly Adventures in Digital Humanities:  Making the Modernist Archives Publishing Project
Claire Battershill, Helen Southworth, Alice Stavely, Michael Widener, Elizabeth Willson Gordon, and Nicola Wilson
Reviewed by Erin E. Templeton


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